My God Why Have You Forsaken Us
I went to this movie when i was a small child. I didn't understand what it was about it was just a normal movie. then in my later years i realized that this was the most nauseating incomprehensible excuse for a full budget film. The movie had a PG rating but don't judge by that means alone the film was riddled with raunchy and demeaning diatribes and the routine where one character almost says a bad word but gets cut off is like axe body spray, good in little amounts but there will be hell to pay if you use an ounce too much, guess what this disgusting grotesque film managed to pull off, they used it like there was no marrow, either the producers were drunk and thought that making the film about sex would bring in more adult 50 year olds. or they were all high and thought it would be funny to ruin a classic childrens novel with the use of the Chucky twins ( thing one and thing two) and a disgusting performance by Alec Baldwin that will either 1. make you throw up 2. cause you too bleed from your eyes and have the floor of the theater look like high-tide at Omaha beach 3. mock your intelligence enough for you to commit suicide, 4. all three! Mike Myers does a total of 3 characters in the movie he threw in Wayne World, Austin Powers, And the travesty that is Shrek into a cat suit to produce the most masonic, demonic, and neurotic movie ever to curse the eyes of the human race. I lament for those who saw this movie and will never be the same.