
Characters shallow and obnoxiously stereotypical. Story naive, unbelievable and predictable. Production values of the film are non-existent. Absolutely nothing special or redeeming here, pure trite that drags on to an abrupt but welcome ending.

I expect many idiots must like this movie as it affirms their naive views of social/interracial equality/harmony, or something.

~ Observe, and act with clarity. ~



"It's just a walk, it's not a marriage proposal."


blah blah blah there's one of these on every movie board, you are boring

"Love means never having to say you're ugly." - the Abominable Dr. Phibes


Zoomorph is 100% correct here.


You're so completely wrong that it isn't even funny. I suspect that Pieces of April was too deep for you and you set out on a crusade to $hit on it.


Zoomorph im gonna have to agree, however i could of looked at katie Holmes all day back then much less 90 minutes.. So there is some redeeming value here..


Agreed. I think a lot of viewers want something lighter ... action .. comedy. I love movies of all types but movies that show the dynamics of relationships are enjoyable for me.
