Now I've not read the graphic novel, nor have I seen the movie the whole way through and I am aware that there are some major differences, but my point concerns a few of the characters. Alan Moore is notorious for getting annoyed at films which he thinks 'ruin' his work, but doesn't he ruin other people's? For example, I am not aware of any version of the Dracula story where Mina Harker becomes a vampire. Yet Alan Moore decided to make her one.
Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde. I haven't seen how he's depicted in the graphic novel, so I may be wrong about this, but in the film when Jekyl turns into Hyde he grows to Hulk like proportions. If the graphic novel is similair, this has been changed too. As far as I'm aware Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde look the exact same, only Hyde is evil,perhaps there are more differneces but nothing as radical as what I seen.
Dorian Gray. I'm admidatley a little rusty on this, but I know Dorian Gray keeps his appearance and his portrait changes, but does he have the power to re-generate?
Lastly, Tom Sawyer. Ok I know Jack about Tom Sawyer, but from what Futurama told me, he paints fences.
I accept that if these characters were true to the source, it wouldn't make much of an adventure story (perhaps a good buddy movie though!) But my problem is with Moore for moaning about people changing his work when its made into a film, It's clearly done to make it more interesting. Yet somehow it's fine for him to change the work of Stoker, Twain, Wilde and Stevenson for the purpose of his graphic novel?
I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you, at least in theory; no one's works should be considered "sacred", as long as everyone get's appropriate credit and compensation for their work...but you did make a few false statements. So in the spirit of nitpic-ing...
1) Moore didn't make Mina a vampire. In the graphic novel, she's just a strong-willed, resourceful person with a bit of experience of the supernatural.
2) Dorian Gray...not even in Moore's work. They added him for the movie (though I actually liked his character, I must admit).
3) Tom Sawyer...also added for the film...I guess to appeal to American audiences...uh, I guess. He was sort of "meh" for me.
If you've ever read Moore's work (which I highly recommend, he's that good), you'll see that he doesn't just write a story, he 'crafts' it, using the media of graphic novels to do so. Unfortunately, a lot of that media just doesn't transition well to movies, so some of the best parts of his work...what really makes it special...are completely cut out of the movie.
For example, in Watchmen there's a whole issue of the comic that 'mirrors' itself, front-to-back. The first image on the first page has the same composition, character placement, etc, as the last (though with different people, places), the second page mirrors the second to the last, etc...with the center page an awesome fold out of the two stories intersecting. This just cannot be recreated as effectively (if at all) with cinema. There's also a TON of back story included that really fleshes out the character and makes you care about them (if not care for them)...a two hour movie can only include so much of that.
So, I see where he get's annoyed at "his" work being "butchered"...I just wish he'd turn his mind to writing a screenplay or two. I'd love to see what he could do if he really WANTED to make a movie of his ideas. Perhaps it would suck, but it wouldn't be boring.
Well, I suppose I've learned that in future I should probably read his work before I call him a hypocrite.... I don't mean to be d*ck-like, but what about Mr Hyde? I'm asking out of curiosity, not "I'm still right-ness" I must admit also... I don't really like Moore... it's nothing to do with his ability as a writer, I've read Watchmen and I loved it, it's more to do with his attitude, I think these adaptions (sometimes as bad as they are) are good for him, for examplpe, I had never even heard of Watchmen before I read an article about the movie in a magazine, I then bought the book and loved it, so in a way, the movies gain him fans) If the Graphic Novel is as different as you say, I may look into it. Thank you for the clarification kind sir (or madam... can't really tell by your username... lol)
Moore actually addressed the Hyde issue in the second volume...that the Hyde's physical size grew as he became the dominant personality, and eventually, Hyde took over completely and Jekyll ceased to exist.
Autobiography in six words: "Baby, you ain't seen nothin' yet!"
What Galliard1 omits is the lawsuit (settled out of court) that alleged 20th Century Fox ripped off a screenplay called "Cast of Characters" for Tom Sawyer and Dorian Gray.
And, while I, too, was disappointed by the almost-complete revision of the graphic novel's original main storyline, I was _not_ displeased by the omission of the opium den attempted rape scene.
i disagree... i'm a writer and a person's work is "sacred"... if you don't like the way a person's characters are written.. write your own *beep* characters... don't ba******ize mine...
This thread is just dumb, not only does turnupthesun not know anything about the comic they're bitching about, but also don't seem to know much of anything about the characters as they were in their own books. No, Hyde doesn't look anything like Jekyl, in the book Hyde was younger, smaller, and apish looking. Him being so much bigger comes up more then once in the comic
Simonpieter On The Geo-Political Climate Of The World Today: We live in a new world with a global day
Man people get pi**ed when bad things are said about Alan Moore. OK I admit that was a shot in the dark... Should probably have entitled it "Alan Moore - Hypocrite?" I was enquiring... not ripping the p*ss out of Moore. If I wanted to do that I would just say he looks like he smells bad. And I did. And he does!
If the comments are about Moore's work, should have based your comments on the actual contents of Moore's story instead of basing them on the contents of the movie. Research on wikipedia usually helps in that regard. Otherwise you lose credibility with inaccurate or untrue comments.
Your points have been dealt with so far (you really should read the original before judging Moore, but you admitted that already), but some people mentioned that Hyde explains the size differences in the second series, and I wanted to remind readers that Jekyl mentioned it before that in the original series when he said that he used to be taller than he was at that moment. Moore had the size thing worked out from the start.
I would call Moore a whiney baby rather a hypocrite.
Since novels were first adapted for films major changes to the characters and storylines have been made, so Moore should have been expected this would happen to his work. He made the decision to sell his work knowing adapatations would most likely happen.
To stop his concern he has the option of no longer selling his work to producers. I would think if he continues to sell his work to the movies then he should stop complaining
"He made the decision to sell his work knowing adapatations would most likely happen."
Amen!! He complains about the adaptations, but I'll bet he's cashed the checks for each one. If he's so upset about the way hollywood treats his work, then stop signing on the dotted line or get a contract that gives you creative control. Otherwise go pad your bank account and STFU
You people obviously don't know much about the publishing business. You don't always get to control what gets done with your works after they are published. In fact, it rarely works out that way.