MovieChat Forums > Confidence (2003) Discussion > a question for those who saw it

a question for those who saw it


what did the 2 crooked cops have to do with anything? why were they involved in the final scheme at all? if Butan was on Vig's side the whole time, then what was the whole point of blackmailing them into trying to screw everything up? and why did they have to be set-up to take the fall? they were friends with Vig up until Butan blackmailed them.... and then what else were they going to do? they just seemed like an unnecesary detail... like the screenwriter wrote them in and then couldn't really figure out what to do with them.

also, what happened to brian van holt's character during the last act of the movie? did he do anything at all in regards to the final scam? I can't remember him doing anything.... but why wasn't he at the bar with Vig and Lupus?

any insight you can give me will be much appreciated.


The cops were led to the heroin by Vig which then allowed Butan to plant it on them so the cops would get busted with it at the end and Vig could get away the money.

Van Holt was at the airport reporting on the procedings for Vig and picking up Giamatti.


still confused. why not just have Butan get the heroin himself, then have the king get caught with it? why did the 2 cops have to be involved at all?


It gives the reason for Butan's "Customs" investigation and why he's tipping off the FBI. He showed the tape of the dirty cops to the FBI and used that to draw them to the airport.


ok, thanks, that does make sense.... though it kind of adds a dark twist to the movie... those 2 cops were his friends....


but you're wrong they weren't his friends, if they were his friends would of they been so quick to stab him in the back? Remember they just came to LA and the first job in the begenning of the movie was the first one in LA which he just so happened to screw the KING too. After he found out those cops were gunna try and jack him without tellin him butans plans, than he knew he had to cut em loose and burn em. Maybe you understand now?


Rill friends don't stab each other in the backs. They were a risk! and had to behandled. The Cops got what was coming to them .

A ringing phone has to be answered doesn't it?


yes but you miss a big point here..... Butan was on Vig's side. Vid had the cops blackmailed into backstabbing him...... it was Vig's doing... otherwise they wouldn't have been backstabbing him.... why get them involved at all.... in fact, now that they are busted, won't they be able to rat out Vig and Butan?


good point.

A ringing phone has to be answered doesn't it?


Good point.

A ringing phone has to be answered doesn't it?


what are you asking?


I thought I fixed that. I was asking no question i changed my mind sorry about.
A ringing phone has to be answered doesn't it?
