MovieChat Forums > Confidence (2003) Discussion > Lily ..'What About The Money'

Lily ..'What About The Money'

Can anyone explain to me why Lily went to confess to Morgan Price and Travis about the con when in 'reality' we find out at the end she was still an active member of the team. Whilst the scene seems to depict Lily getting her own back on Jake to claim a 10% finders fee, the actions of Travis could have killed Jake. Any observations appreciated.


I think it was so that they would send Travis (the black guy) and witness Jake's death at the hands of Lily. Also so that they would get the entire "story". That way, if they get the story, then they wont have to chase after the money because they know that since Jake is dead, he obviously doesn't have the money now.



"And i wonder has it occured to anyone else that it makes no sense that the two crooked cops and King get busted on the same bag of heroin. They run up and try to arrest Kings guy with the bag of dope, and then they show them on tape conspiring to sell the very same bag of dope. Its just lame. "

Seemed quite clear to me that on the tape they were talking about simply stealing the heroin and selling it.
So that would say to the fbi or whatever that they were NOT trying to arrest but simply steal the heroin then sell it.
So on the one hand you have the person responsible for bringing the heroin in and the bad cops trying to steal that heroin to sell it.
Everyone goes to jail/


I thought the ending was quite clever and certainly original.

As I understand it:
Lily goes to M Price towards the end of the film in order to cover up the tracks of the crew (unbeknownst to the audience at this time), using the death of Jake to get keep Morgan from pursuing him. Also, the scene she is told that the con is over (because of the Andy Garcia), makes Lupis think the crew is trying to screw his boss. This allows the crew to make off at the end of the movie with the entire 5 mil and 'King' in jail.

