MovieChat Forums > Confidence (2003) Discussion > Love James Foley and this was crap!!!

Love James Foley and this was crap!!!

The dialog and story here is just comical, not funny ha ha, funny crap crap. So wordy and unrealistic. Such a retread. Lame sets, bad performances and oh such bad dialog. Such bad dialog.

But something happened on the way to that place
They threw an American flag in our face



Yep, Edward Burns is not a very good actor and he cannot carry a movie. As for Foley's really great great movie, I loved "At Close Range" and "Glenngarry Glennross."

Salvation is free


"He had two great actors like Rachel Weisz and Dustin Hoffman surrounded by actors who can’t act worth a damn..."

A little harsh, I think. OK, Ed Burns is kinda average, but Paul Giamatti is an extremely talented actor. Also, Andy Garcia is pretty good (even if he was doing a Paciono impression in this movie, as I've put in another post...)

"You live your life, as if it's real - a thousand kisses deep."


I think everyone is being kinda harsh on this movie. i actually thought it was pretty good, and lol everyone is giving eddie burns a really hard time. hes not that bad, he may not be a really good actor but i think he didnt play his role too badly. dustin hoffman was awesome, and i agree that he should have been given a lot more screen time. paul giamatti was good as always, and so was rachel weisz. very pretty. andy garcia should definetely have been given a lot more screen time on this one, he was easily one of the most talented members of cast and i was disappointed that he had barely any part.


