MovieChat Forums > Bowling for Columbine (2002) Discussion > Guess which country has the most gun dea...

Guess which country has the most gun deaths, it's not the US

The country which has the most gun deaths is Brazil which has an average of 38,000 gun deaths a year. The US has 31,000 gun deaths a year. Brazil also has strict gun laws and despite that it has a very high murder rate and it has a very high gun murder rate and guns are used in 91 percent of the murders in Brazil. In the slums of Brazil there are kids with machine guns rocket launchers hand grenades and all other kinds of weapons.

The US is much safer and much less violent then Brazil and the US has a much lower murder rate then Brazil and the US has a much lower gun murder rate then Brazil and this is despite the fact that the US has more relaxed gun laws.


Only 31,000 deaths, thats practically zero. Very safe.

Kramer: ...he was very impressed with what I do.
Elaine: What you do? You don't do anything!


Only 31,000 deaths, thats practically zero. Very safe.
That is in a country with almost 320,000,000 people.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


So Brazil is one exception!

England, Japan, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Spain, France, New Zealand, Australia, Belgium, Portugal, Singapore, etc. etc. ALL have strict gun control which results in lower gun deaths AND a lower overall murder rate!


Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


Brazil is not the only country with strict gun laws that has a much higher murder rate then America, there are lots of other countries which have strict gun laws which also have much higher murder rates then America such as Russia Colombia Mexico South Africa Venezuela Jamaica Honduras Ukraine Peru Bolivia Nigeria Zimbabwe and Kenya.


Those are 3rd world nations! Most all developed 1st world nations with strong gun control have FAR fewer gun deaths!

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


Those are 3rd world nations!

This ought to be fun on a bun. Tell us Fauny, what makes "3rd World Countries" so different that it is somehow okay for them to have such high murder rates? Is life somehow cheaper in such countries to you? What is it about those countries that causes the murder rate to be so high, in spite of their strict gun control laws? Thrill us with your worldly acumen.


With less money and higher unemployment rates and especially corruption (with Mexico being a huge example), tendency for criminal activity and murder is increased. This is kind of obvious.
Strict gun laws in a country where the police are corrupt/gang members, doesn't really lower the murder rate. Again, obvious.



I got nothing.



Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!
Is this a verifiable fact, or is it your opinion?

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


You can say he existed. Is that a verifiable fact or just your opinion?


I didn't make a statement one way or another.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


No, I guess you didn't 


......and my question hasn't been answered....

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


... and my question hasn't been answered either...


As per my previous reply, your question doesn't apply but I'll expand. I do believe God exists. It is my opinion. It is not a verified fact.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


I already knew you were a believer, hence my first reply and the laughing gif. And I know it is not a verifiable fact, that's why it's called religion.


Still won't address my question though.....

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!





I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!




Hardly anyone compares developed countries to developing countries vis a vis for reasons that should be obvious.
America is unique among developed industrialized nations because of several factors, it being the most war loving nation, having the highest gini index (poor distribution of wealth), the largest non rehabilitative prison population and the least homogeneous ethnical makeup, plus it's history of the wild west, rebellion and revolution all contribute to it being the most homicidal. But there is another factor everyone ignores, that is for most countries, it is seen that as their homicidal rate goes down, their suicidal rate goes up, so that overall violence pretty much remains quite similar country by country, (take Australia, Canada or Japan, violence is almost exactly the same per capita as the US when homicide is added to suicide, year after year after year). From this one can easily draw the conclusion that this phenomenon has precious little to do with gun access, but that Americans are simply more pathologically inclined (re socially conditioned) to take out their aggression, inadequacies and failures on others than themselves.

"what is your major malfunction?!!"



Russia , South Africa etc do NOT have strict gun controls !

That which does not Kill me makes me Stranger


The homicide rate in Russia is higher, sure, but gun-related deaths are a small part of the homicide rate, and are lower in Russia than in the United States. The homicide rate in Ukraine was 4.3 per 100,000 in 2010 (comparatively, it was 4.5 per 100,000 in 2013 in the U.S., and it has steadily been going down in the U.S., so it was slightly higher in 2010). The rest of your examples are too idiotic to even discuss.

Have some pride, you absolute moron. You live in a developed, industrialized first-world country, and you're comparing yourself to...Central and Southern American countries, with all of their drug trade and other social upheaval, and then including that, plus numerous African countries, that all suffer from wide-spread poverty (which, in turn, makes people place less importance and value on their lives thus creating more crime; puts them in terrible situations where they don't have enough amenities and resources to live, thus creating more crime; and turns the police, and especially politicians who dictate social policy, more easy to buy off and on average much more corrupt due to also being poor and accepting bribes more easily, thus ALSO CREATING MORE CRIME)?

The homicide rate is not tied to the gun laws. HOMICIDE does not mean GUN-RELATED DEATH. Stop being thick and get that through your head. Any country that is as developed technologically, and infrastructure-wise, as the USA, and is by all intents and purposes as "modern" and "well-off" as the U.S. has a much lower gun-related deaths rate, and homicide rate. Nobody is claiming that the U.S. has the highest homicide rate of EVERY single country in the world, just because of their fear-mongering media, and fanatical gun culture, that would be silly. There are very few things that America is the worst in the entire world for. There's always some *beep* country in the world that does something worse than America, but that is not the point.

The point is that you're a first-world country, yet by most ratings regarding most socially progressive features, you're lagging way behind.


Good to see USA is above smoe developing countries 😱 It's still below some in its death rates by shooting though.

Discrimination’ against LGBT people is a problem on a par with teasing ginger kids Hellada


Never underestimate the power some people have to find one exception to the rule and use it to make their point.
Never mind that US is still the second highest, or that 31,000 is still a hundred times more than other first world nations.


More people die in car accidents in the US than by guns.


More people die in car accidents in the US than by guns.




The USA leads the western world in gun deaths AND has the most guns on earth! More guns=more gun violence=more gun death!

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


More guns=more gun violence=more gun death!

Not in Switzerland. Those nice people have a funny way of flushing your simplistic arguments straight down the toilet, as you well know. They have lots of guns, and live about the most peaceful lives around. Because they don't have the human trash permeating their culture that we have. That's the real problem. Scumbags who abuse their firearm privileges, and have no sense of personal responsibility. Fix that problem, and you won't have bupkis to worry about. You can't get rid of guns in America, so try the other way for a change. You might actually do some good.


You've basically defeated your whole argument with that statement. If the USA has the most guns on Earth, then by simple math the percentage of people killed compared to the amount of firearms in the USA would be dismally low in comparison to other countries.


Brazil has had an ongoing low-level civil war for like 50 years though.

"Ass to ass. Ha ha ha ha. ASS TO ASS!"


As usual herb, you're WRONG! You are spreading NRA lies about Switzerland. They have FAR fewer guns per capita than here and are moving AWAY from guns!

The second thing is that there’s this widespread misunderstanding that Israel and Switzerland promote gun ownership. They don’t. Ten years ago, when Israel had the outbreak of violence, there was an expansion of gun ownership, but only to people above a certain rank in the military. There was no sense that having ordinary citizens [carry guns] would make anything safer.

Switzerland has also been moving away from having widespread guns. The laws are done canton by canton, which is like a province. Everyone in Switzerland serves in the army, and the cantons used to let you have the guns at home. They’ve been moving to keeping the guns in depots. That means they’re not in the household, which makes sense because the literature shows us that if the gun is in the household, the risk goes up for everyone in the household.

Jesus NEVER existed! He is Judeo Christian MYTH!


fair point, except the movie isn't about brazil.

besides, if brazil is the highest with 38000 and the US has 31000, that's still not very far off






But no one enforces those laws, that's how kids are running around with machine guns.
Not sure what to do with guns, I wish we didn't need them at all. The only logical argument for not having stricter gun laws is that the people who will use them for violence will still get their hands on them, by luck or illegal means. It's pointless.
The question should be how do we stop guns from getting into unstable peoples hands?


Get without the unstable people.



Well said my good chum. Wolves don't like to hunt sheep that can shoot back. Taking guns away from sheep makes them vulnerable, which encourages violence and emboldens criminals. There are not too many guns in America. All the guns in the world are useless without ***holes around who want to bend them to some evil purpose.

#1 - Make the possession of a firearm in connection with ANY crime a MASSIVE aggravating factor in sentencing. You rob a convenience store......five rob a convenience store with a gun (regardless of whether or not it was discharged).....25 years. Trash will think twice before trying to use guns to commit crimes.

#2 - If you turn a gun on a human being in any manner other than self defense, you forgo your right to life. Execute gun criminals en masse, and it will stop.

Crack down on this grotesque **** REALLY HARD and it will start to end. This nation coddles it's criminals, and the criminals take advantage of that at EVERY TURN. This 'victim' culture being pushed on minority precincts in America is largely to blame. People need to be held to account for the rotten choices they make in life. Everybody from birth should have the right to own firearms to defend themselves, their families and their hard-earned possessions (such as they may be). But if you **** up and abuse that right, you are DONE!

That's my two cents, for what it's worth. America doesn't have a gun problem, it has a culture problem. Human trash is breeding out of control in this county in an atmosphere made permissive of wrongdoing by liberal influence, and a complete lack of righteous judgment on the fundamental ills of society. Fix the people problem first, and the guns will be a moot point. You try to take away the guns, without taking away the trash that abuses the guns, and it will lead to nothing but trouble because you will be punishing a LOT of innocent, good-hearted, hard working, productive human beings, who seek nothing more than the ability to defend what is rightfully their against those who would seek to victimize them.


#1 - Make the possession of a firearm in connection with ANY crime a MASSIVE aggravating factor in sentencing. You rob a convenience store......five rob a convenience store with a gun (regardless of whether or not it was discharged).....25 years. Trash will think twice before trying to use guns to commit crimes.

#2 - If you turn a gun on a human being in any manner other than self defense, you forgo your right to life. Execute gun criminals en masse, and it will stop.

Doesn't work that way. You already do execute people for first degree murder, but it hasn't stopped. Severe penalties have little to no deterring effect whatsoever. The one biggest deterring effect is the risk of getting caught. Negative consequences have never been enough to prevent people from doing illegal or stupid things. People who drive too fast do not worry about being mangled horribly in a traffic accident, because they figure it won't happen. Just like people who commit crimes for which there is a death sentence don't figure on getting caught.

There does seem to be some correlation between crime and punishment, however. Countries with severe penalties tend to also have high crime rates, whereas countries with more lenient penalties are less plagued by crime. A severe system fosters a severe society, it seems. The times in history when crime was the highest were also the times when the punishments were the most gruesome.

This nation coddles it's criminals, and the criminals take advantage of that at EVERY TURN.

On the contrary. Not only do you not coddle your criminals (not when compared with other industrialized nations), but back in the days when you were even more severe, crime rates soared.

Human trash is breeding out of control in this county in an atmosphere made permissive of wrongdoing by liberal influence, and a complete lack of righteous judgment on the fundamental ills of society.

I would be very interested in seeing you try to back up that claim with any sort of evidence. While you go dig that up, I can disprove it with one word: Europe. Europe is a great deal more liberal than the US, and tends to have lower crime rates. In fact, it seems that the opposite of what you say is true: from what I can see, the countries with the highest crime rates tend to be the more conservative ones.


Haha. Americans are so *beep* ignorant. There's more guns than people in the country, but for some reason it hasn't equated to a safer environment. Some guy walks into a school and shoots people and your solution is to arm the teachers. Some guy shoots up a church and your solution is to arm priests. The fact that you can't see how ridiculously stupid that is just enforces how *beep* dumb you are.

