MovieChat Forums > Bowling for Columbine (2002) Discussion > Charlton Heston should've put a bullet i...

Charlton Heston should've put a bullet in Michael Moore's head

Michael Moore is a liberal parasite, his disrespect for Charlton Heston was pathetic, and it was very uncomfortable to watch him try to corner an old man whose a Hollywood legend and try to blame him for the actions of others. The interview was typical liberal bullshi!, blaming the gun and not the people that pulled the trigger.

I would've loved to have seen Charlton Heston tell Michael Moore during the interview that he needs a bathroom break, Heston than reappears and puts a bullet in Michael Moore's liberal brain dead head, and it would've been justified.


I seen a lot of protest or outcry on this.
But you know what?
Charlton Heston had it coming to him.
First he goes ahead and holds two NRA rallies in or near towns that just had senseless shootings that resulted in the deaths of unarmed and innocent children.
And then he holds a rifle above his head proclaiming, "From my cold dead hands!"
So Charlton can dish it out but he cannot take it.
Moore showed him to be nothing but a big chickensh!t after all. A zero. A nothing.
You can't blame Moore for that. You can only blame Charlton since he was the one who walked away and Moore didn't make him. Moore asked questions and Heston just gets up and leaves.
Moore had every right to ask those questions. But Heston just doesn't care that kids were killed by guns. SMH.

Damn, I'm good.


"Heston doesn't care that kids were killed by guns"

Now here's your typical liberal jackasses assessment of something that couldn't be further from the truth, Heston never said that he didn't care, what he said was that the timing was bad but he still spoke in those communities because Heston and the NRA are about protecting American's right to bear arms, which is the second amendment you liberal asshol!

Heston walked away from your liberal parasitic fat putz hero because Moore brought nothing to the table that was based on the truth, Heston answered the questions and when Moore couldn't reach any further into his bag of liberal lies, Heston got up and walked away. The piece of shi! was lucky that Heston wasn't younger, because he would've kicked his fat liberal fake Hollywood ass through the door.

Heston's only mistake was giving a liberal douchebag interview time, and like clockwork Moore did what he does best, twist reality and place his own liberal bias fake opinions to sell something, which was his film.

Trying to blame a gun for what criminals and the mentally ill of society do with the gun is wrong, how about blaming those who make the decisions to pull the trigger?


If Heston and the rest of the NRA gun nuts really cared then they wouldn't have held those rallies which were a slap in the face to the families of those who were gunned down by the killers.

And by standing up for Heston and by calling me a

liberal asshol!
shows us that you don't care at all about the gun violence in this country.

Moore brought nothing to the table that was based on the truth, Heston answered the questions and when Moore couldn't reach any further into his bag of liberal lies...

I'm interested to know what specific lies Moore said.
Please list them.
Or else you are just another one of those bandwagon Michael Moore hating sheeple.

Trying to blame a gun for what criminals and the mentally ill of society do with the gun is wrong, how about blaming those who make the decisions to pull the trigger?

Blame both the gun and the user.
If we take away guns then we take away a weapon that they cannot use.

Damn, I'm good.


You do understand that the criminals will get the guns even if you had gun laws and took away the second amendment rights. Do you understand that there are millions of registered guns owned by law abiding citizens that never have a problem owning the guns, and the gun violence you're seeing is from unregistered guns used by criminals, or guns purchased by the mentally ill, the majority of gun owners are harmless.

People like you make me wonder what kind of hallucinogenic drugs you're on?

Don't worry about laws and guns if Hillary Clinton becomes president, shes all for the criminals and loves to throw the police underneath the bus every chance she gets, so if you think gun violence is bad now, just wait until Hillary takes office, she loves black thug criminals and she took meetings with Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray and Sandra Bland's mother, all the mothers of dead criminals, but what the hell do I know, America is done know matter who takes office.

My little liberal putz friend whose living in Obama's liberal twilight zone, there's a flip side to your false narrative, what happens when the unfortunate situation occurs and you need a weapon to defend your life and your friends and family, are you going to reason with the illiterate savage criminal verbally, or are you going pick up a gun and give yourself a fighting chance to live to see another sunset?


You do understand that the criminals will get the guns even if you had gun laws and took away the second amendment rights. Do you understand that there are millions of registered guns owned by law abiding citizens that never have a problem owning the guns, and the gun violence you're seeing is from unregistered guns used by criminals, or guns purchased by the mentally ill, the majority of gun owners are harmless.

Every single gun that a criminal uses was legal at one point.

Adding more guns is not the solution. We are trying it and it just isn't working.
That is like fighting a fire with gas.

People like you make me wonder what kind of hallucinogenic drugs you're on?

None at the moment.

Don't worry about laws and guns if Hillary Clinton becomes president, shes all for the criminals and loves to through the police underneath the bus every chance she gets, so if you think gun violence is bad now, just wait until Hillary takes office, she loves black thug criminals and she took meetings with Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray and Sandra Bland's mother, all the mothers of dead criminals, but what the hell do I know, America is done know matter who takes office.

Who knows what is going to happen?
At least I can agree with you on the last line.
I don't trust politicians. They can never deliver. They just spew out all sorts of stuff just to get votes.
When will the rest of the voting public wake up to this? Did they not learn from Mr. Hope and Change?

My little liberal putz friend whose living in Obama's liberal twilight zone, there's a flip side to your false narrative, what happens when the unfortunate situation occurs and you need a weapon to defend your life and your friends and family, are you going to reason with the illiterate savage criminal verbally, or are you going pick up a gun and give yourself a fighting chance to live to see another sunset?

I hope I'm never in that situation but if I was, yeah, I'd do all I can to fight to stay alive.
I do think that killing is wrong no matter what even if it is in self defense.
Legally, it may not be. Morally, it is because that is still taking a life away even though that life wanted to take mine in the first place.
I don't live with this fear every day however I would hope that I'd be well prepared to deal with it if the time ever came and again, I hope it doesn't.
I avoid places where trouble might happen.

So you also like the movie Runaway Train? I just happened to see one of your posts over there in a thread.
I re-watched it recently. Great movie, huh?
At least we can agree on that.

Damn, I'm good.


"I do think that killing is wrong no matter what even if it is in self defense."

With that statement, you confirm you are a moron.


But you are glossing over the exact moment when Heston walked. It was when Michael showed him a picture of the little girl who was accidentally killed by a classmate, due to the boy having bought a family member's gun to school.
That is not a 'lie' of any kind - it actually happened! If Michael was in fact 'lying' to Heston, why didn't Heston simply call him on the lie?

I am sure you are amused by the idea of Heston killing Michael Moore, but in truth that would have been first degree murder'. He wouldn't have had the remotest chance in the world of escaping prison time, if he had done that.


OK you liberal putz here's the reality for you that you don't want to hear, Heston walked away because it wasn't the NRA's fault or the gun that killed that little girl, it was the irresponsible parent of the kid that didn't take responsibility for the gun.

Moore also tried to blame Dick Clark for having the mother have to work 60 hours at minimum wage, and because she had to work so many hours she wasn't home to prevent the accident. What the hell does Dick Clark have to do with the accident and that low wage working mother not making enough money?

Dick Clark also walked away and wouldn't respond to your liberal psycho hero aka Michael Moore. Blaming Dick Clark for a kid getting his mother's gun while shes at work and than saying she should be paid more lol Come on! Captain Liberal, that's the best angle Moore choose to play.

You can't tell this documentary is all just a game for entertainment, his questions were comical, nothing was based on the truth and reality, all done to make his documentary entertaining, and the Hollywood liberal's love that kind of fake shi! and rewarded him with best documentary film at the Academy Awards, which shows where their credibility is coming from.

If you're going to confront Heston and Clark at least come to them with evidence that's intelligent and conclusive and it's not coming out of the Obama liberal Twilight Zone.
Both men walked away because Moore's theories were so pathetic and false that they both didn't want to waste any time talking to that idiot, end of story.

In the end you liberal psychos continue to blame the gun, when it's the owner of the gun that's at fault, and like I said in a previous post millions of law abiding gun owners are responcible and never have any issues with owning a gun.


But you are glossing over the exact moment when Heston walked. It was when Michael showed him a picture of the little girl who was accidentally killed by a classmate, due to the boy having bought a family member's gun to school.
That is not a 'lie' of any kind - it actually happened! If Michael was in fact 'lying' to Heston, why didn't Heston simply call him on the lie?

The OP knows he's got nothing. They all say Moore lies constantly but when asked what he lies about they just move on to something else to be wrong about.


How DARE you call the late Great Charlton Heston a zero and a nothing!! He was a great man and actor. Shame on you!!


Exactly. Labelling Heston as a "zero and a nothing" is beyond silly. Heston wasn't a "gun-nut" either, even though Michael Moore tried his hardest to make him look like one. BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE breaks every rule of the Academy regarding what constitutes a documentary - so why did they give an Oscar to this steaming pile of liberal horseshlt?


If he wants respect then he has to give it first.

I don't know jacksht about anything. - kinch_telemachus


I would've loved to have seen Charlton Heston tell Michael Moore during the interview that he needs a bathroom break, Heston than reappears and puts a bullet in Michael Moore's liberal brain dead head, and it would've been justified.

You just publicly stated that you find it justified to shoot someone who asks rude questions. Can you seriously not understand why "liberal jackasses" wouldn't want someone like you to own a firearm??


You do understand that I was kidding, my point was that Moore is such an irritating fake Hollywood liberal douchebag that he deserved to be put in his place, but I know liberal idiots like you think that anyone with any anger who owns a firearm is considered dangerous and will not be able to refrain himself in the heat of the moment and go on a killing rampage, which is false, the majority of gun owners don't want to get into any kind of confrontation, the gun is a last resort when know other options are available.


Moore's career, making "documentaries," was virtually over when he hijacked Heston's home and bullied an 80 year old WW2 veteran suffering with alzheimer's.


James Byrne, perfect assessment of the parasite, aka Captain Liberal, Michael Moore. The sad part on Michael Moore's pathetic behavior toward Charlton Heston is a lot of liberal losers thought it was justified. In the demented mentally ill mind of the liberals it's always the guns fault and never the fault of the criminal who pulled the trigger.

Btw when Nov comes around don't forget to take back the White House and protect America from the liberals who want to destroy us all and vote TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That heap of steaming blubber selected specific scenes from Heston's movies that showed Chuck going nuts with a rifle, like THE OMEGA MAN and TOWN AND COUNTRY, and inserted them into BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE in an attempt to assassinate the good character of Charlton Heston. How the hell can that be classified as "documentary"?

I'm just wondering something ... would Heston have been within his rights to shoot Michael Moore, who, let's face it, entered his home under false pretences, like a cheap conman. Leaving the photo of the murdered kid on Heston's doorstep was the most nauseating and despicable gimmick that the obese idiot has ever done on film.


The saddest thing about Michael Moore and Bowling for Liberals is that this propaganda crap fest received the Academy Award for best documentary in 2002, which translates to the Hollywood fake liberals handing that fat slob the award for doing nothing of merit.

Btw what is your opinion of Matt Damon coming out and saying America needs stricter gun control laws like in Australia? Once again a Hollywood liberal thinks it's the guns fault and not the criminals or terrorists who pulled the trigger. Thousands of responsible law abiding citizens who own legally registered guns for sport or protection and never have any issues, but these idiots think we have a gun problem in America.


Heston was Prez of the NRA and received a torrent of hate and abuse for standing up for the rights of America's law abiding gun owners. Unfortunately, some mentally disturbed people use guns and kill innocent people .... so this puts the rights of the millions of law abiding gun owners into peril. I sincerely hope Trump becomes the next POTUS and not that criminal Hillary Clinton.


some mentally disturbed people use guns and kill innocent people

That's a great way to minimise the size of the issue. What about the children killing their siblings or parents with the guns of law abiding parents that were neglectfully left lying about. What of the people shot for just being in the wrong place (a drunk knocking on a door), and the other thousands of deaths that are not down to mental derangement?

I sincerely hope Trump becomes the next POTUS and not that criminal Hillary Clinton.

You got your wish, ever thought of emigrating over there. After all, thankfully we will never have the easy access to guns you seem to advocate, and that bankrupter of companies and woman molester seems to be who you admire.

Let's pray the human race never escapes Earth to spread its iniquity elsewhere. C.S Lewis


I'm just wondering something ... would Heston have been within his rights to shoot Michael Moore, who, let's face it, entered his home under false pretences, like a cheap conman. Leaving the photo of the murdered kid on Heston's doorstep

If he entered his home why did he leave the picture on the doorstep?


Doggie, in the words from my favorite film, Cool Hand Luke, "What we got here is a failure to communicate." You misinformed liberals are a disease, and on Jan 20, 2017 Donald Trump will be the cure.

I could debate you on Michael Moore and his propaganda false narratives that he has made a career out of because the Hollywood liberals love his insanity, but am not going to waste my time on a liberal parasite like you.

Take a look at my second post that goes into Moore's attacks on Charlton Heston and Dick Clark, his verbal assaults of insanity have zero credibility and aren't based on any facts, but you libtards are a cult of mutant illiterates who are afraid of the truth so you go for the easiest way out, which is to worship that fat POS.

You could be more productive by taking the time to read and research topics so before you post an opinion you could have an opinion based on facts and not emotions and a political corrupt agenda.

In the end Clinton will destroy America if she is elected, just look what Obama has done, please debate another liberal Democrat as president, you think America will be better????????????????????????


I'm not misinformed, I asked a question. A question that you didn't even come close to answering at any point during during your drunken rant. 



Cool rant. You still didn't answer my question though. 

At this point I am convinced you are a liberal pretending to be a psychopathic conservative in order to get people away from voting Republican. B/c there is no way, if you are genuine, you are converting anyone to the flock.

Doggie I don't hide under tables, that's for key board warriors like you

Didn't you use a keyboard to type out that "insult"? 

I put insult in quotation marks b/c your insults are as weak at your intelligence. The sad part is you think you are winning something. You should focus this energy on getting a girlfriend. I promise this stuff won't anger you as much if you are getting some. 


he hijacked Heston's home and bullied an 80 year old WW2 veteran suffering with alzheimer's.

That steaming pile of turd is fair game when he goes into a town with a recent gun shooting death and holds a gun above his head yelling, "From my cold dead hands!"
If he wants respect then he has to give it first.

Thank god MM has the balls on him that he does.

I don't know jacksht about anything. - kinch_telemachus


You just publicly stated that you find it justified to shoot someone who asks rude questions. Can you seriously not understand why "liberal jackasses" wouldn't want someone like you to own a firearm??

This. All day. Everyday. There are a lot of undiagnosed crazy people out there. I fear the OP is one of them. Judging by his posts, he definitely should not be allowed to have a gun.


"There are a lot of undiagnosed crazy people out there. I fear the OP is one of them. Judging by his posts, he definitely should not be allowed to have a gun."

Doggie, I shouldn't be allowed to have a gun? I think you might feel a little differently if you and your family were out enjoying a day at a movie theater, airport, restaurant, or night club and some psycho who had an arsenal of weapons decided to kill everyone in the name of his muslim extremist terrorist beliefs, and the only one standing in his way from murdering your family is me, with my legally obtained concealed gun, am not saying he wouldn't kill me, but at least me and your family would have a chance to see another day.


Doggie, I shouldn't be allowed to have a gun?

Just based on your posting history I would feel uncomfortable if you had one.

I think you might feel a little differently if you and your family were out enjoying a day at a movie theater, airport, restaurant, or night club and some psycho who had an arsenal of weapons decided to kill everyone in the name of his muslim extremist terrorist beliefs, and the only one standing in his way from murdering your family is me

You'd probably be hiding under the table with the rest of the "good guys with guns". 


You'd probably be hiding under the table with the rest of the "good guys with guns".

A dirt-ball like YOU isn't WORTH protecting!


Charlton Heston finished Moore's career. Bravo Chuck!


Charlton Heston finished Moore's career. Bravo Chuck!

Really 

Let's pray the human race never escapes Earth to spread its iniquity elsewhere. C.S Lewis


Yes, thank the Lord Trump is in power. Keep crying about losing the election, will ya, it makes us even happier.


Keep crying about losing the election, will ya, it makes us even happier.

I'm British, like you!! 

Did you mean Lord Trump, or Thank the Lord, Trump is in power? Freudian slip??

You also replied to the wrong post but not unexpected!

Let's pray the human race never escapes Earth to spread its iniquity elsewhere. C.S Lewis


Who cares what you think, Trump is in power and that's something to celebrate, like Brexit.


Who cares what you think

So I should care what you think  Don't flatter yourself 

Let's pray the human race never escapes Earth to spread its iniquity elsewhere. C.S Lewis


Bugger off then.


In case it skipped your notice, these are public boards.

Let's pray the human race never escapes Earth to spread its iniquity elsewhere. C.S Lewis


Men and women can be equal, yet still be different.


No, I think Charlton Heston should have played the part of a DOG, and had Moore play the part of a FIRE HYDRANT!


Yep, people like you should be making up the rules and executing them.
Hell, then we'd have no Bible bullshit, or Santa Claus, or happy kids playing for no good reason.
Just shoot fuckers for asking questions and trying to challenge what's deplorable but accepted.

Hey everyone ! Put this guy in charge ! He gets it right. All politicians should be so honest. Shoot your neighbors, ask questions later. Hollywood stars shouldn't be questioned over their integrity; they're better than that.
But not if they're liberals. Them you can shoot on sight.


"try to corner an old man whose a Hollywood legend?"

First of all, are "Hollywood legends" above the rest of us and have a different set of rules? The answer is no, despite what you apparently think.

Second, follow-up questions are not a trap. If you're asked to clarify an answer you've given that's not a trap. It's called an interview. One that Heston agreed to. He was a grown boy and should have been able to handle himself, despite his age and/or Hollywood status.


Oh, that sure would have made Heston look less like a gun crazy psycho.
