Film's view of FDR
For a show that has been mentioned as being "American-ized," "Bertie and Elizabeth" shows Americans a view of FDR in a slightly different view than we are usually accustomed to seeing, especially as England was about to be forced into the War with Germany and the King and Queen of England, wondering at the lack of communication from FDR and even his wife Eleanor.
In the movie's view of things, Elizabeth comments, "I don't see that a polite reply to our letters would be making a breach of politics."
It's interesting about the previous commentary on "David" the Duke of Windsor and almost-King of England.
About 30 years ago, when I was "young," I found the romance between him and Wallace Simpson to be totally romantic. Of course, that was before I learned the history of David's disposition with the ladies and what a lurch he left his younger brother in, probably leaving that brother to die a much earlier death.