"Young Woman" played by Alexandra Staden
Any thoughts on who the "Young Woman" character might represent? She's played by actress Alexandra Staden and first appears at a party, seemingly as David's (Prince of Wales') date. I thought she might be Freda Dudley Ward, but perhaps her character is too snarky for Freda?
In a later scene, she encourages everyone at a small informal party (they're dancing) to turn down the music so they can listen to Bertie's speech from Wembley. She tells David that his "brother is about to make a fool of himself" and says it's not to be missed. She appears to be gleefully anticipating Bertie's failure.
(She's not Thelma Furness because Thelma is played by actress Deborah Cornelius.)
Do you think she's meant to be someone in particular, or perhaps an amalgam of some of David's married women friends, or even 100% a made up character?