Saying you're going to leave the country if so and so is elected is a silly thing to say; it's obvious that it's usually a hollow threat and unrealistic. On the other hand, you evidently do care at least a little bit, in that it gets under your skin enough to come here and comment on it. That said, there is freedom of expression. Imo, the best thing to do is just turn it off if you don't want to hear it. Grow a thicker skin, as conservatives are constantly suggesting to those whiny liberals.
Do you make a distinction between entertainers and artists? Because creative expression is important to artists, and shouldn't be censored or restrained in the name of entertainment, or to assuage the fragile sensibilities of an audience. Again, the thing to do is to stop watching if you object that strongly, not to insist someone should stifle themselves because you find their views unpalatable. I didn't think the suppression of speech was a classic American value.
One further point: Trump is an exceptionally unpopular president-elect. Those who did vote for him will have to come to terms with this. The sentiment against him is not going away any time soon. Obama was tremendously popular when he came into office; Trump is not. For many of us, the idea of putting "Donald Trump" and "integrity" in the same sentence is a nothing more than a joke.