A Few Problems With This Show
Okay, a few things first. I'm not American or British and I actually really like this show. But there are a few weird things I've noticed in the episodes I've seen. In the episode with the American guy (Fifty Ships) what on earth was so offensive in asking Foyle if his son was a policeman too? I don't see how thats at all tactless. And then Foyle saying afterwards : "Oh what do you expect hes an American." What?! What a stupid and nasty thing to say! The show would have never gotten away with saying that about Black or Chinese people. And yes, I know that the American guy was the villain of that episode, but that doesn't make his question tactless or Foyle's comment any less xenophobic.
And then at the end of the same episode, the local doctor beats up his wife. Since we just found out in the previous scene that she helped a German spy into the Country, it felt like the show was saying she deserved it. A Woman never ever deserves to be beaten up. And English People don't ALL act like emotionless robots as this show seems to suggest.
And in the first Episode, Foyle helps release the Austrian guy who's in a internment camp. But the whole episode's moral seemed to be that it was wrong for the local lord to use his influence to keep his German wife out of interment. So how come it was okay for Foyle to be corrupt but not him? Like I said I like this show but it's take on morality is odd.
history is a battle fought by a great evil,struggling to crush a small kernel of human kindness