MovieChat Forums > Identity (2003) Discussion > Movie Questions (SPOILERS for those who ...

Movie Questions (SPOILERS for those who haven't seen it) Thanks for your help!!

1. Who was the real culprit for the murders? The middle-aged, bald man or the little boy? If it was the man, why was the little boy shown committing the murders in the flashbacks? If it was the boy committing the murders, why was the man shown attacking the cop in the car at the end of the film?

2. Just how many different alternate personalities did the real culprit have (not counting the one that was real, of course)?

3. Did the culprit have motives for committing any of the murders? If so, what were they?

4. What is the purpose of the little boy murdering Paris in the end and what did the quote "Whores don't get a second chance" mean?
