MovieChat Forums > Identity (2003) Discussion > How did the Hotel 'owner' know she was a...

How did the Hotel 'owner' know she was a whore

And Why did he hate her so much

some spoilers inherent in post

we all know why Malcolm hated hookers
but why did larry#2/hotel guy hate them
yes he had no money no hope and not a dime to his name but why would that be the fault of the whore

Any ideas on who/why the others were the way they were
I can hazard a guess as to why cusack was a "good" guy
and why the whore was the way she was

Lou was a "teen" version who got tricked by a conniving gfriend
The poor guy in orange was a version of himself who got caught
The Mom was his ideal mom
the dad was what he saw his stepdad as
the actress was what he thought aging hollywood actresses were like

Ignorance is not something to be ashamed of, being stupid is.


I've always wondered that, how did he "sense" she was a prostitute?

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


I always had a theory about this. People still say it's a whacked and non valid theory, but I think it makes alot of sense.

The doctor makes a comment about having been using the drug they'd been giving Malcolm to introduce the personalities to each other, that it was an increased dosage that had led to the eventual night in question that makes all of them come face to face.

My theory is that at one point or another, all the personalities had begun to meet each other through out the treatment which is why so many of the the personalities had already paired off into relationships and acquaintances. Ginny and Lou, George, Alice and Timmy, Ed and Caroline Suzanne.

There were other things that were meant to be included in the film that WEREN'T touched upon for time that indicated a more tangled web of how much the characters already knew each other and would have explained exactly why Larry knew Paris, and why Lou also recognised her.

One of the less-important personalities that WASN'T included in the eventual lineup that had been intended to be killed off notably was the naked business man (this has been confirmed by both director and writer). Paris had tied up the naked business man, stolen his lighter and money I believe, then left him there with the whipped cream; she never untied him. Later, Caroline Suzanne calls him - he's her agent! - and it's while he's on the phone with her that the static occurs which leads to him getting bored and eating the whipped cream on his chest which eventually chokes him to death (fact). He was to technically be the first personality to die.

Paris knew this personality, so did Caroline Suzanne. It was cut from the film and never made a big deal of, but had it been left in, it would have made alot more sense why Paris also could have known both Larry and Lou. She had been coming FROM Vegas as a prostitute, and if she had run in certain circles, in certain places, she would have been noticable.

Lou and Ginny had just come from Vegas after having tied the knot; had they been in Vegas before deciding to do so? Possibly. Ginny refers to Lou as having been seen in a bar called "The Hawk" with "that *beep* girl". This COULD have been Paris, who would have been in Vegas about the same time; the threat of Lou cheating on Ginny, possibly enough to make up a lie about being pregnant, prompting him to marry her.

At the same time, Larry also refers to himself as having come from Vegas, where he too, could have possibly seen Paris at one point, and possibly been rejected by her (something about Larry suggests he's very down and out, down on his luck and put-downable in general), which would explain his aversion to her.

Anyway, just a theory, no proof any of it actually went down that way but it makes sense if you listen to what the doctor says about the personalities having been gradually introduced.



Wasn't he #3?


Like you said...Malcolm hated hookers.And it is probable that more then one of his 10 personalities shared that opinion,even though they might not be the killer,since these 10 personalities sort of were created or born when his mother was whoring. It also gives us a bit of a clue,something we don´t think about the first time we see Identity...the movie opening with the doctor listening to the tapes and when he asks about Malcolms mother and Malcolm says she was a whore and then we see pictures of all the bloody victims.

Larrys hatred for her and whores sort of comes outta nowhere,it sounds cliche,a bit like dialogue from a B-movie at sounded a bit childish...but these 10 personalites were created by a young mind,hence the simple names, naming all of them after states...these different identitys lived pretty close to one another and in the end,it made sense.

Don´t know if the characters are supposed to represent all these things.... Amanda Peets character of course was his mother,the his mom in real life.That´s why he kills her."Whores dont get a second chance." Think youre right about the ideal mom and stepdad.

One thing bothers me though...that we were supposed to believe that Liottas character Rhodes was the killer when Cusacks goes back in to kill him.It doesn´t work,since we see Rhodes alone,with no one around,searching for the "killer"...and his reactions when he saw the bodies and his tenacity,really wanting to find out who the killer was.He never came off as the killer so I knew something was up.But that´s what I liked about Liottas character,once you´ve finished the movie....that he actually was trying to find the killer,despite being one himself.Just not THE one.

Great movie that screws with your mind in a very original way.


Not sure why he hated her but wasn't Paris supposed to be from that area? Maybe she was town gossip?

It's a sad thing that your adventures have ended here


well like everyone said, malcolm hates prostitutes/whores. probably because of his mother and he wish she didn't lead that lifestyle since it added to him being messed up. it's sort of why paris was one of his personalities and trying to turn her life around and buy an orange grove. larry was just the one that shows the hatred verbally, and physically when he almost cut her throat.

"i played with myself so much my leg fell off."



<< The Hotel guy stated in the movie that he had just got back from Vegas and was broke...That is how he knew about Paris because he saw her in Vegas where he had previously been. >>

Mmmm. Because Vegas is such a small town, with just a few inhabitants...


> we all know why Malcolm hated hookers

Do we?


he wouldn't. that was a clue to the twist. just like the same birthdays, and jake busey running away but ending up back at the motel, the murder scenes disappearing. Always look for the things being out of place in a twist movie. They happen in bad movies for bad reasons, they happen in good twist movies to give you a clue.
