MovieChat Forums > Identity (2003) Discussion > Creepiest scene/moment in the film? Thou...

Creepiest scene/moment in the film? Thoughts Please!

First of all, I wanted to say that this is one of the best modern psychological thrillers I've seen in a long time. I liked how it was isolated at the motel for most of the film, and the rain added alot of creepy atmosphere. Plus, I've always liked films like this with people trapped in one setting even though it's cliche, LOL. But the twist at the end made it more unique and clever than others cause I wasn't expecting it at all, LOL. Anyway, what would you consider the creepiest scene to be? There are a few scenes that are subtley unsettling and overlooked in my opinion.

The first would be when the actress leaves her room and walks outside around the back of the motel in the pouring (still) rain at night, alone, and carrying the shower curtain over her head as a cover. Shortly after trying to find reception in the rain with her phone, she hears a noise...but there is nobody around (at least to her). When she does get killed, the editing of her death makes it seem that some unknown entity has overcome her out of nowhere. What makes this creepy is the fact that she is alone, and that her death is almost unexplained based on the suddeness of the attack...and also how it is subtly vicious and over before it began which is different from other horror thrillers where a victim is killed after a chase scene, not to mention by a clearly visible killer. By not showing the killer (even though we find out who it was at the end of the film), it really makes you believe for at least a few seconds, that maybe there IS something supernatural going on at this motel. Creepy scene IMO.

If I had to pick another creepy scene, it would actually be the following scene when john cusack starts investigating around the motel by himself, and decides to go into the laundry room where he eventually discovers the severed head of the actress in the dryer. The build-up to this was eerie, and then when you actually see the head it shocks you like "How the hell did she get her head chopped off?" is a well-done creepy moment as well.

So, what is your favorite creepy scene in the film and why?


Come on guys. There isn't a single creepy moment in this film that wasn't memorable?


here are a couple

1. at the end when we think all is over and then the girl hits something in the dirt and it's the last key and then the music starts playing...just awesome. sends shivers up my spine each time

2. the part where john cusak goes in and out of the dream. the errie surreal music that plays and how he closes his eyes. then when he comes back in and feels the rain on his finger tips. it's as if we are there with him experiencing this odd reality.


Yeah, I would agree with those two scenes, especially the one with john cusack coming back to 'reality' and standing under the pouring rain but turning to see that he's further away from the motel and is in the desert like 200 yards away...WOW, that is one of the best creepy shots in the whole film IMO. There are several creepy scenes in the film, but alot of people sort of overlook them. Agree?


for me it was when "ed" looks into that mirror and sees Malcom's reflection....super creepy to me.

well, you don't spell it son, you eat it


Definetely that one, another is when Busey's character runs away from the motel and hides in the empty shack. And after he goes in and checks outside, he sees the motel right there. Creepy as hell!

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


The scene I find to be both the creepiest and the funniest is the shot of little Timmy walking away from the exploding car. That is the craziest shot. lol

I also love the moment when the convict ends up back at the motel.

The look Rhodes gave Paris at the vending machine is also pretty damn creepy.

Back off! ... Way off!


I think you are right on the money moviedude, the whole sequence leading up to Ed finding Caroline's severed head is very creepy indeed. The way he slowly wakes up, seeming to somehow know something is wrong is very well done. Some good tension is built as he follows the clues. The use of sound is very effective in this scene. If you listen with the volume up you can hear the dryer going through its cycle even before Ed notices it. That's the part that really freezes me up. Never has the sound of laundry dryer sounded so ominous and sinister. That whole sequence, up to and even a little beyond the discovery of the head, is very well executed for this type of film considering that there are so many films of this type where dead bodies- or in this case, a body part- are found by the remaining people. That the film makers made this discovery in THEIR film so creepy and effective really says something. I think credit most go to the sound people and John for selling the scene so well.

The scene also leaves you with some things to ponder, like for instance: how long was the head in the dryer? It couldn't have been there too long. Was Timmy perhaps hoping to lure someone out there to score another quick kill? Maybe he was right there, watching Ed the whole time. Who knows?

Another really creepy moment, as mentioned before, is seeing Timmy in the window stalking the actress while she is still in her room. This film had some good chills in it.


1) The look on Timmy's face and the way he's smacking the gardening fork in his hand as he's about to kill Paris -- kudos to Bret Loehr.

2) When we see Rhodes putting on his jacket, his back to the camera, and there's the hole and the blood on the back of his shirt. I love that. It's the kind of blink-and-you-miss-it wtf! moment that this and all other good thrillers are about. You have to be paying attention from the get-go to catch all the little clues.

One more thing: After you've seen this movie, go back and look at the beginning, when Dr. Mallick is shuffling through the case file and his notes, and listening to the recordings of his sessions with Malcolm. A lot of the movie is right there.

The Falcon flies


Best part is when they realize all the bodies have vanished... That's when it gets so erie.. They go to where each body is at and they are gone. Then they all go into the hotel room with a WTF look on their faces lol. Of course it leads to Paris yelling her birthday is next week and they realize they all share the same birthday.. I love this's awesome..


Ginny: *cue sound effect* Did you feel that?
Lou: What is it?
Ginny: Cold

(to paraphrase)

Creepy moment
