MovieChat Forums > Identity (2003) Discussion > This is seriously the WORST movie I have...

This is seriously the WORST movie I have EVER seen...

The Lost World, Battlefield Earth, any sequel to the Return of the Living Dead, The Hitcher 2, or the remake, Dude, Where's My Car...

This is worse than all of them. Why the relatively high rating? This movie sucked the dick AND the balls.

It was advertised as a slasher film, and turned out to be a half baked psychological thriller. Fight Club this is not. Clean, Shaven this is not. The Machinist, this is NOT.

I HATED, HATED HATED THIS FILM! The ending is one of the WORST I have ever seen. "Hey, you know how we advertised this as a slasher with Jake Busey as the killer? Well, *beep* THAT. Instead, it is alternate personalities in this Gomer Pile from Full Metal Jacket look alike's mind. And the big TWEEEST at the end? First he thinks he is some girl, and then he is the kid from The Omen" Duh Duh Duh!!!!!

*beep* THIS MOVIE!!!

IT DESERVES A 1.0 or lower for being a LYING PIECE OF *beep*

I hated John Cousak for YEARS because of *beep* like this, The "we advertise is as a comedy but it is not at all" Ice Harvest, and Runway "with the liberal *beep* Jury. The ONLY movie he was good in was Tapeheads!


Gotta ask, how much sleep did you lose because you hated this movie? Good lord, calm down and take your pills.

Also I thought it was a great movie, one of the best psychological movies in a long time.

Have a good day buddy!


Agreed, I saw this in the theatre and judging from the audience's reaction, mostly all the viewers, including myself, enjoyed this........especially the twist at the end. No one saw it coming.
I was a teenager then, so the whole psychological genre was pretty new to me, so I did not see the twist coming at all

Now, however, I dont think this movie will work because the formula has been overdone to the point of not being clever anymore..


I watched it last night, found it overrated and seriously predictable. That said, it filled an hour and a half and I've moved on. Don't think I've ever got that angry over not enjoying a film, and I've seen Mr Hell. Good luck on your next viewing choice.


Well, don't blame the movie for the lying ads. Also, how would you advertise this without giving away the twist?

Seriously, the movie was quite good for what it is and personally I prefer psychological thrillers over slasher movies. But if I watch a movie that I think is a thriller and then turns out to be mindless slasher flic, I might be disappointed, but wouldn't blame the movie.

Also, if you really think this is the worst movie ever, I have some recommodations for you:

Police Academy: Mission to Moscow
There is nothing out there
Reign of Fire
Meet the Spartans
Balada triste de trompeta

and dare you to sit through Valhalla Rising.


Aw, man.
Reign of fire...?
I actually enjoyed that one.


This is seriously the MOST original thread I have EVER seen.


Valhalla Rising had me entranced. Not much happening in the film, but I was very impressed.


I wouldn't call it the 'worst' as that would be giving it too much credit, but it is extremely BAD...and highly overrated, but then what do you expect from all the morons putting in their 2 cents on this site. At least it avoids the usual 'de rigeur' blood and gore.

Life sucks, then you're reincarnated


You obviously haven't seen LUCY then.

How do you expect them to promote this movie? *beep* I remember when I saw a beautiful mind for the first time without knowing anything about it. Blown away! Then I read the back of the DVD case and it gives away the surprise. stupid.

I was pleasantly surprised at the misdirection. There's enough slasher flicks going from A to Z without any thought or creativity put in.


He was great in 1408 also, regardless of what you think of that movie.


1408 started off great. The atmosphere was creepy, the build-up was intense ........and then we get hit with sentimental crap.
So, in other words, I always watch the first half of 1408 whenever it's on.


Learn to spell.

And the other movies you list as worse than this show you're a troll.


the capitalization makes it so much easier to take you seriously
