MovieChat Forums > Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever (2002) Discussion > How to waste two good actors and lots of...

How to waste two good actors and lots of $$ for special effects

I've just seen this movie and had to quit after about an hour because I nearly fell asleep.

I do not blame Banderas and Liu, but Ecks wife is so unbelieveable that it made me laugh. I do blame the director and editor. I have never found myself so bored during action sequences. I just wanted it to be over. Also the scenes seemed to be cut together without any method. Lots of hard cuts where you have to figure out where you are now and why yourself. It looks like they ran out of money when it came to post-production.

The plot wasn't anything really new but it could have been believeable if done differently. There was no contingency, no flow here.

What really got me angry was the trailer. It was promising a completely different movie. I'm amazed that Banderas and Liu signed up for this.

Anyway, a real waste of time and money, very disappointing. Worst movie I saw in years. Want to see the difference between good and bad directing/editing in an action flick? Go see "The transporter".


i do agree that ballistic is total crap but remember that Kaos is first timer in the business. Corey Yuen (i think that's his name) was a veteran director of action flicks B4 he made The Transporter, which was a good flick btw.
