please explain that stunt

One of the shooters in the mall scene fell from the building, but we saw him falling down, all the way to the end

usually we see the fall or the landing, never all at once, so how did the stunt man live through this.

i mean there was no net!!!!!!!!!!

"i found it again, but i still don't know what to say"



i lust after lucy lui, so i was happy,

but yes the stunt was one of the best ever!

how can we find out?

"i found it again, but i still don't know what to say"


After I saw "Final Fantasy" ( I never asked about any stunt again, since it might be all a friggin' good CGI...

And yes, it looked damn cool! :)



i don't think so

"i found it again, but i still don't know what to say"


The stunt team used what is called a descender rig to slow the fall down so that the 2oo foot fall actually feels like 10. Scott Leva was the guy who fell.


1. so he fell anyway?

2. wouldn't that hurt?

3. and the car burst as he hit it?

4. how did you know this?


"i found it again, but i still don't know what to say"



ha ha ha

i am kinda being psycho now i think, but it is just one of thise things, like when some one hums a song for you to remeber what the name of that song is, when something is on the tip of your tounge, you go on for days, with it in the back of your head, when suddenly out of the blue when you think you have finally gotten rid of that itching thing in the back of your head it pops up and you remember the song and the tune and the singer and the year..... but no way in h ell can you remember who asked you!

I HAVE TO KNOW!!!!!!!!!

"i found it again, but i still don't know what to say"


Maybe they injected the stuntman with microscopic nano-tech "bugs" that repaired all the awful damage that fall did to him ;). Seriously though, I don't really know the answer, just that it was a truly awesome scene though!


yeah it's a descender ring... the DVD has extra features, one of which describes how that particular stunt was filmed. the rig holds the camera right above the stuntman and it's lowered the whole way, probably shooting at 30 fps. when it's run at 24 fps, it looks ultra cool and slo mo, and you can't tell exactly how fast he's falling.


It wasn't a real car. It was made out of a special material so that the stunt man didn't die when he hit it. lol. He really did fall all the way through, and the scene looks awesome!


sorry OFFTOPIC. has anyone else noticed, that when people are falling from rooftops in hollywood-movies there is always a carroof to land on?

this stunt was great indeed. i personally think that they filmed a falling policeman landing on a soft cushion and a heavy object crushing into the policecar. then they joined these two pieces via computer tricks.


they used a decender rig, as everyone said, to lower both the stuntman (the SWAT officer) and a camera. The slowmotion makes it seem as if he is falling farther than he is and the car was made out of a special material that was easily colapsable when the stunt man hit. Cool effect though. I know this becasue on HBO they had a behind the scenes for the film and they explained it. No computer effects were used.
