worst movie of the year
I thought this movie was gonna be good, turned out to be the worst movie I saw this year in a theater (and perhaps all time). Lots of explosions doesn't make a movie. The only thing I liked about it was the poster.
shareI thought this movie was gonna be good, turned out to be the worst movie I saw this year in a theater (and perhaps all time). Lots of explosions doesn't make a movie. The only thing I liked about it was the poster.
shareI liked the poster too, and I also loved the movie. The way I see it, movies like this are only based on explosions, and nothing else. Call me crazy, but this is the best action movie I have ever seen.
Hooters hooters yum yum yum,hooters hooters on a girl thats dumb. -Al Bundy
You are my last hope. Everybody make the movie down :( I love the Trailer - one of the coolest i´ve ever seen. But i´ve heard that the action-sequences in the film looks very slow and unspectacular. But I will watch it, of course i will!!!
shareIt is meant to be an action movie , the plot and the screen play are not important you need to seperate this in that...i thought the combat with Lucy Leiu martial arts capabilities were great and the cinematography was very good
since i like hong kong action movies very much i have nothing against a good gunfight. but the plot of this film was uninteresting, lucy liu was invincible so that she didn't even need to take cover (ridiculos), the motorcycle chase was extremely unspectacular (i hate "high"-speed chases at 35mph). it was a weak film, i thought this one could be nice, but its just again a boring hollywood plot that wastes good actors.
shareThe director didnt want this movie to be based on story. He just wanted it to be a straight action film. And Sever did take cover a few times, and I loved the fact that she couldnt be stopped.
Hooters hooters yum yum yum,hooters hooters on a girl thats dumb. -Al Bundy
Anybody who thinks that the director intended to make a pure action film to the exclusion of all else must think that he wanted to spend $70 million to make $14 million.
And for those who think action alone is enough must be of the same mentality as one who can't get enough vomit jolks. Besides, in this film, even the action is poorly done, illogical and numingly repetative. I do agree that it's on the level of a first person shooter (albeit a second rate one), but thats like watching someone else play the game.
Hey, Danaxor, you can take that back any day. You totally offended me. You pretty much called me and anyone else who also liked the movie dumb. Thanks!
shareNo offence intended. I didn't realize that there was a loyal following for poorly done action films. Perhaps the vomit joke contingency will be raising their heads soon.
Actually, the film could have been improved if Ray Park played Ecks, Michelle Yeoh played Sever, an actual screenwriter was employed and it was directed
by a first year film school student.
The main reason I even wanted to see the movie was because Ray Park was in it. (I am a huge fan of his). Sucks that he had little to no input in his fight scene. I think that could've been alot better. Show a little Darth Maul! He could've beaten her, easy!
Anyway, I'm cool now. I'm not saying this movie needs to be in everyone's home or that I will buy it. I rented it once out of curiousity and realized I had seen worse. I like explosions and guns. That's about the only parts I liked. (I'm a huge gamer so I guess that's where I get it from). All the other parts of the movie (ie: the plot, acting, not being able to understand Antonio Banderas, and some choice of actors) I didn't like.
Actually, it was painful to see Banderas in such a poorly written part and do such a bad job acting it. He was fine in 13th Warrior, Desparado, ect. What happend?
Anyway, I thought Park showed what he can do in X-Men so I hope he'll be given more opportunities. He may even progress to the action-choreography level of Jackie Chan.
Don't know man! He is a good actor.
I hope Iron Fist works for Ray!
I totally agree with Danaxor, Banderas was absolutely wasted on this part.
Anyone who has seen Banderas in Desperado can agree that he´s a terrific actor, both in action and character scenes- but this movie was the worst action flick i`ve seen in the last years. Normally, i`m a big fan of action movies, especially Schwarzenegger`s, which don`t have too much plot either, but they`re at least enjoyable and filmed well- this "Kaos" guy should go back to directing commercials or something like that because the cut, the lighting and mise-in-scene were just awful!
ANyone who has seen "Commando" with Arnold Schwarzenegger can agree that action flicks with no brains can be funny and entertaining, but this movie was just
flat and boring- huge explosions DON`T make a good action movie , it`s the coolness with which the characters act, cool jokes, really "bad" enemies and at least some small degree of realism, otherwise it`s just ridiculous!
I just saw this movie on DVD and thought it was pretty bad. It might have worked as a B direct-to-video movie with a B budget and a B list cast, but as a big budgeted studio movie with an A list cast it just looks dumb. Come to think of it I've seen DTV movies that are better than this crap. With CGI and the influence of Hong Kong has had on American films you would think that the big studios would have grown out of making 90's type action movies. Car Chases, car crashes, big explosiions. So 90's. A great big yawn. And who in the hell is Kaos anyway?
shareTHIS MOVIE IS THE WORST MOVIE IN THE PAST DECADE. Please, to the people who liked this movie, make me understand your point of view beacuse i am pulling my hair out over trying to understand. I am so annoyed of trying to get it. What could ever, EVER be possibly good about this film. The director and the writers are more stupid then my 6 month old brother to come up with this crap!!!!!