MovieChat Forums > Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever (2002) Discussion > Average movie goer complete idiot!

Average movie goer complete idiot!

Ok, the average for 2 fast 2 furious is 5.1, Charlies Angels: Full Throttle gets a 5.5 and for some reason LOTR gets into the top 250! But Ballistic Ecks vs. Sever gets a 3.5!!!! WTF is up with that. I rented it, expected something awful. It was a more than decent film and i kept thinking that LOTR got a f8cking 8.7 i believe.I shouldnt compare those movies because they are completely different, but i even think this is better then Terminator. just the 1st one!!!Some movies have too low of an average and some shouldn't have too high, ie Aliens, finding nemo, monsters inc, LOTR.


No, YOU are the complete idiot. LOTR, Aliens etc are CLASSIC movies. 2Fast 2Furious is not but still entertaining. This is dire.



Thankyou, I just have.


Shouldn't you be on the Charlie's Angels Board?


No, LotR got a 9.1 :)

I think all the fans of LotR agree that we're ecstatic that you don't like the movie.

"That still only counts as one"


I was so excited to see this movie when I saw the previews, but when I actually watched it I was sorely disappointed. The storyline is mediocre at best, and I felt like I'd seen the action scenes about a million times before. I didn't really like Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle or 2 Fast 2 Furious either, but at least they had a few redeeming qualities in their unique action sequences and minor character development.

Not all people like the same thing, and calling people idiots because they have different opinions is counter-productive. If you don't like the voting system on this site, I suggest you find a site better suited to your tastes instead of calling everyone names.

BTW, if anyone wants to see Lucy Liu really display her talent, watch Kill Bill: Vol 1. Now that's action!


I don't know what's more hilarious, your atrocious taste in movies or your insanity.

"Perception is reality." -unknown
