What's the problem?

I don't really feel that this movie is any more or less mindless than your typical action movie. If you don't like mindless action movies, I'm kind of curious as to why you might watch this anyway, since I think the trailer openly presented it as such.

If you think this is the worst movie ever, I assume you haven't seen such masterpieces as Gummo, Moron Movies, and FearDotCom. Now THOSE are hideous pieces of crap.

Overall, Ballistic could have been better - but as it is, I found it to be an entertaining, visually appealing, mostly mindless action movie. And that was really all I wanted from it. I was relatively pleased with the movie. I thought it was by far better than The Transporter, which was an extreme disappointment considering the talent involved. And if you didn't like the music from Ballistic, then dear god, don't touch The Transporter soundtrack with a ten foot pole. I also thought this was far better than the mind-numbing "blockbuster" Vin Diesel vehicle, XXX. The motocross "action" in XXX really irritated the hell out of me.

I would much rather see a Ballistic 2 than XXX2... but guess which one's getting made?

It may be that my opinion is coloured by the amount of pure crap that I saw in '02, but I thought Ballistic was one of the better movies I saw last year. If you want to see a new movie that provides some entertainment that doesn't require much thought, this is for you. If you want something more meaningful, I personally recommend Road to Perdition and Equilibrium.

Why bash Ballistic when you could go bash FearDotCom, or even Wes Craven's THEY? Those two deserve it. =)


Feardotcom was EXTREMELY dissapointing. I thought XXX was good though. As for Ballistic, I thought it was extremely entertaining. Its mindless action, thats what it was supposed to be, just a straight action movie, and nothing else. And plus, this movie is one of the few action movies that didnt use bullet time. I thought Ballistic kicked ass.

Hooters hooters yum yum yum,hooters hooters on a girl thats dumb. -Al Bundy


Yup, Feardotcom was so bad! It wasn't even so bad it's good Thats for movies like VOODOO ACADEMYhttp://us.imdb.com/Title?0232908

As for Gummo it was artsy and crazy

But as for Darkness Falls and They, what were THEY thinking?

Bonk Bonk

Well split my head open with chainsaw
The boy from hell who's CRAZY



I just got the DVD last week and I don't think its as bad as some people say it is.I bought it to see Lucy Liu in a starring role and that's what I got.By no means is it a good film but what makes it seem bad is that it is no way near what the trailer claims.It is not Ecs vs. Sever,they are not lifelong enemies,and the micro thingy didn't really play much of a role.Lots of things in this film just didn't make sense,DIA(who? What? Where?),Chinese one male per family rule(huh?),Sever(for someone who was raised with no fear,no conscience,and no morality,she sure seemed to go out of her way not to kill people),2 explosions,Echs thinks his wife died,she thinks he died(I guess it is possible if this was All My Children),FBI assistant director gets shot and tells Echs that Sever knows where his wife is(how would she know? How would he know she would know? How would...forget it).Lots of plotholes in this one.I'm not sure if it was bad writing or they edited too much out.If you're a Lucy Liu fan or Ray Park fan you should enjoy it though.If you're a Antonio Banderas fan maybe you won't enjoy it,you never get the feel of his character.He's supposed to be a burnt out self-destructive exFBI agent who blames himself for his wife's death but it just doesn't come across that way.I'm not blaming Banderas,I'm blaming the producer.Lucy Liu's character,Sever,comes across a little better,focused,consumed by vengence,yet rational enough not to kill innocents.I'd love to see a sequel with just Sever and a decent plot or with someone funny like Will Smith.Oh,the music was nice too.


bullet time costs too much money to make.


...but it is fun if that is all you are expecting to see! I knew the plot would suck. Most action plots do suck. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I went expecting guns and explosions, and that is what I got. No complaints over here.




thunda: as for the "Chinese one male per family rule", it's not one male per family, it's one child per family (due to ovrepopulation). Traditionally, a family would want to have a son, because the son would be able to support the family (whereas a daughter would simply be married off, and the family would have to pay the dowry, costing them money). So, it became common for girl's to be abandoned in the wilderness so that a couple could try again for a son.

As for the movie, the trailer was misleading, and the title was completely wrong. Ecks VERSUS Sever? Was this an error in translation? They fight once, then realize they are on the same side, and end up working together.

My problems with the film:

-Almost zero character development. Sever was the only believable character in the movie. At the end of the movie, I knew why she did what she did, but I had no idea what Gant, Ecks, Mrs. Ecks, The DIA, The Cops, or Gant's second in command were doing, or why.

-Insipid plot. I won't post any spoilers, but come on, the two big plot twists are more predictable than a porn movie. Yeah, it's an action movie, but I don't think it's too much to ask to have a little originality. With the possible exception of Lucy Liu's character, all the characters are merely cardboard cutouts. Though I did enjoy the way the movie is kind of "bookended" with the "Micro Device" - they mention it briefly at the beginning, and briefly again at the end, just brilliant. (/sarcasm) Seriously, when Ecks tells his wife that Gant just wanted to use the kid to "smuggle something across the border," I had forgotten what the "point" of the movie was.

-Boring/pointless action sequences. Particularly the end of the movie.

I see no reason why an action movie cannot be held to the same standards as any other movie. Guns and explosions are all that matter? Hell, I can take some cars, guns and explosives out to the sand pits, mess stuff up for two hours and film it all, but I doubt it would even get direct-to-video release.

Interestingly, the same night I watched "Ballistic" I also watched "Equilibrium" (http://us.imdb.com/Title?0238380) which manages to balance fantastic action sequences with a decent plot.



I think you misunderstood me.I'm aware of what the Chinese attitude towards females was but I was under the impression that had changed with the communist revolution and now they pay families if they will only have one child.My problem is this;With so many orphans all over the world,why would an American or Canadian intelligence agency concentrate on training Chinese girls to be killers? Are they physically or mentally superior? That line about the Chinese families really didn't have to be in the movie considering that her character being Chinese had nothing at all to do with the story.Just one of many plotholes,like making up a fancy name for Ross(Prince of Darkness) but never using it.
Everything else you wrote I agree with,except I forgot what the point of the movie was once he found his wife.As I said before,I'm not going to blame this one on the actors because I think Lucy Liu did a good job with what she was given.It was a bad movie but I enjoyed it.I bought the DVD to see Lucy Liu and I enjoyed watching her do her own stunts.


nothing wrong with this movie at all.Lotz of action and has lucy lui. thats good enough for me.Actors do these movies for the money and because they don't care the dickheads who like to insult them and their movies.



yup, looks like I misunderstood. You may be right about families being paid to have male children, I'm not sure. You are right about that whole bit being pointless.

I think my big issue with some of the comments I've read is that I feel that there is often a difference between movies that are good and movies that are just entertaining. Jackie Chan's movies generally have terrible plot and sub-standard acting, but they are so much fun to watch. I can understand enjoying bad movies, but it irks me when people try to tell me that these movies are good.

I too enjoy watching Lucy Liu, and felt she was the best part of this movie. I just don't know if I was entertained enough by the rest of the movie to ever watch it again, though.


Interestingly, the same night I watched "Ballistic" I also watched "Equilibrium" (http://us.imdb.com/Title?0238380) which manages to balance fantastic action sequences with a decent plot.

... a plot that is embarrassing in its 'Wanting-to-be-Matrix-ness'... !

There's definitely something rustling behind your curtain...


How is it anything near the Matrix?????


... Worlds where people are deadened in differing ways, for control purposes... The fight scenes and styles... The higher up you go, the more knowledge/power you are able to attain... The predilection for all-black outfits, with shades...

"Women remember, Steve - it's like they've got minds of their own!"


Exactly my opinion. Cheers.



I enjoy action films, I enjoy all genre's. I will admit, this looked like a completely horrid film from the trailer, even before I heard any of the negative remarks about it. But I wonder what was so bad about it. No I want to see it.

"That still only counts as one"


The movie wasnt the best action movie it had some good action.It was the plot that sucked.The title didnt make any sense either, I thought it was a spy vs spy type of movie but they teamed up instead.Lucy Lui and Antonio Banderas did their best to make the movie better but they didnt.


FearDotCom. AHAHAHAHAHA! That one really sucked! I think that Midian-2 has a point here. Why not a Ballistic 2? A second one could only be better. Don't get me wrong. I've enjoyed the film because it gives you what you expect from it. It is an action film with a decent plot, well filmed and with lots of action. What else do you need? And a sequel could only be better because the film is not a masterpiece in the first place. It's just an amusing movie. I prefer to see that instead of other 'number twos' that were made only for the money, ruining a first beautiful movie.


I think if the movie had better music and none of that dance music crap, it would have been ALOT better, in my opinion.



Although I personally enjoyed it,I can see how others might not;It was billed as an action film,yet there was little action.There were too many pointless explosions and cars flying through the air.The double crossed agent seeking revenge has been done plenty of times,and usually makes for a decent plot,but there were so many non essential things thrown in it was easy to forget the main plot.I understand why they chose the title,but most people never heard of the game.Having the actors/actresses doing their own stunts might be pleasing to their fans but limits the action that can be achieved.Lots of plothoes.Bad editing,sloppy writing.
The film could have been a lot better with a decent director,but all in all it was enjoyable and does not deserve to be in the bottom 100.

Btw,is it my imagination,or does this movie get shown alot on cable?



Meh. I liked it, but only because I'm a horrible fangirl with a thing for Scottish martial artists.
Honestly, the plot didn't make sense. I saw the end first, then watched the begining (on TV), and I just got confused. I thought Ross was a bad guy, but then he's with the DIA and stuff... It's like someone tried to write an espionage flick, but didn't know what they were doing. If you go to the official site, you find out that the writer took an actual branch of the governement, but still doesn't know what they actually do, which seems like sloppy research to me (even if it's not an easy topic to research). Of course, if you go to the site, you also find more background on the character, which makes me miffed, because it could've been a better movie with a better writer.

Honestly, though, I'm willing to forgive this movie all it's flaws because I love Ray Park, and it's nice to see him in something where he gets more than two lines...even if he does die at the end. But his fight scene with Lui was solid. I just...never understood the name "Prince of Darkness." If he's a "good guy" it doesn't make sense. And regardless...it sounds stupid. He's a British guy in a turtleneck...not nearly menacing enough to warrent that name. Dangerous...but not menacing.
