puerile, awful, useless garbage
I mean, seriously people? Some of you liked this, or thought it was "hilarious"?
I can excuse the typical Hollywood setup--I wasn't expecting brilliance. Endless swearing .... it just made me numb. Yes, swearing can be effective and funny--but not here; it became just meaningless, like a joke told over and over and over until you scream STOP! And the comedy? What comedy? If your idea of comedy is (i) swearing (ii) drinking (iii) having sex, all in combination and "in your face," then I guess this drivel is for you. The movie isn't even crude or rude or even offensive or "dark"; it's just a piece of garbage.
And what was there to laugh about? Oh, he peed his pants. ha ha. Better line up the poopoo-caca joke. A guy at the bar glaring at BBT attacks BBT outside the bar and says"I'm not gay," meaning, I guess, that he is. O the irony. ha ha. The dim lady saying "I'll make sandwiches." ha ha. BBT having sex in various locales...naughty naughty! Oh I am rolling on the floor now. And on. And on. And on.
I've seen my share of sub-par movies and I've even laughed during a few. But I've never seen a movie as horribly done as this loser. So sub-par it's insulting. And what makes it worse is that Zwigoff directed. Talking about stooping. Was he desperate for a paycheque? I mean, this is the guy who did Ghost World and Art School Confidential.
The only decent thing in the movie was the kid's performance. That he held it together and garnered sympathy in the face of the risible script was a feat in itself.
I bought a copy of this stinker, on sale. Usually, I give my used movies to the local library. Not this one. It's already in the garbage.