If this came out today his rant would've included Hipsters and Emos
His famous mirror "F--- U" rant would have included today's hipsters and emos...something like this...
"Eff you hipsters in williamsburg with your skinny jeans, beanie hats, billy holiday glasses, your $30 scarves that you wear in the middle of july and your retro led zeppelin shirt you bought at urban outfitters even though you never even been to a led zeppelin show in your life. acting like you're so cultured because you can quote from some obscure B movie from the 70's when the truth is you are just a sheltered little b!tch from the suburbs who gets all their knowledge from wikipedia and The Colbert Report. keep drinking Obama's Kool Aid you yuppie trust fund tree hugging Starbucks drinking pr!cks!"
"and dont even get me started on those emo goths clogging up the streets with their black pants and black make up and their Twilight shirts, pumping your death metal in my ears acting like it's the end of the world because mommy and daddy divorced or the hot girl at school doesnt like you. newsflash, she doesnt like you because you dress like its halloween you freakin weirdo. go cut yourself and get the F outta my city!"