MovieChat Forums > The Wire (2002) Discussion > Guess what the average IQ of Baltimore i...

Guess what the average IQ of Baltimore is

It's around 79.


Before I clicked this,

I said to myself,



Despite having a decent 3 digit IQ myself, I feel that I misfired on this one.
Alec knows how I feel.



Very few places on earth have 3 digit IQs. The average is like 86.




You know how to use Google, but I'll do you a favour.

Baltimore is typical of many Midwestern and Northern cities, whose demographics were forever changed by the great black migration of the twentieth century. Not unexpectedly we found a cognitive discontinuity at the city line. Surprising, however, was its magnitude. Whereas suburban mean IQs (86 for blacks, 99 for whites) conform more or less to national norms, city IQs are dreadfully low. With a mean IQ of 76, inner-city blacks fall about 0.6 SD below the African American average nationally. More than a third have death-penalty immunity on grounds of mental retardation. The inner-city white mean of 86 is nearly a full standard deviation below the national white average. By this measure, whites fared worse than blacks. Both groups are seriously deficient in human capital. Neither is very employable. To compound matters, we almost certainly have overstated urban IQs. City residents constitute a low-IQ group extracted from a more cognitively representative population. Their kids, whose test scores we analyzed, should have regressed toward their racial means, i.e., toward higher IQs. That is, inner city kids are smarter than their parents. Accordingly, our estimates of inner-city IQs are best regarded as upper bounds to adult values.


That's White Supremacist propaganda. Even if it was true (which it most certainly isn't), the people in this "sample" are still far more intelligent and worldly than your average Trump supporter.


So when mainstream scientific data doesn't go according to your ideology, just label it "White supremacist", a? You can't win against this kind type of bullshit.


Why would you be pushing this "mainstream scientific data"? Again, it's a WS agenda you are pushing, bigot.


Since Whites are blamed for Black failures, Black White IQ gap is a perfectly legitimate point of argument.


Nice "source" haha. If you have anymore pseudo academic sources like this please feel free to post them. I could use a good laugh


Then show me another sources which shows different numbers. This is pure mainstream stuff. Totally non political. No IQ researched denies this.


If it's so mainstream then why, out of all the legitimate academic sources you could have chosen, did you pick this one? Written under a pseudonym, no external sources cited, in a broke-ass website

What you are describing as "pure mainstream stuff" is SOLELY the disparity in average IQs between whites and blacks. Even then, the causal reason for this disparity has not been determined, but that's beside the point

You're talking about Baltimore specifically. The link you're citing doesn't itself include any citations. It brings up population statistics without including any sources for its numbers. This is below the academic standards of even an undergraduate student's homework

They talk about pass rates, but they don't even mention in what year these studies were conducted. They don't mention what group conducted the study or where this data was published

Then in the last paragraph of their conclusion they portray themselves as victims for writing this crap: "As for our efforts, we can be certain of only one thing -- vilification. It could drive a man to pseudonymity"

Imagine if Einstein, when writing up papers describing relativity, took the time to bitch about how Newtonians were going to vilify him. Real academics don't do this, they let their work speak for itself


This is not an academic paper, it's a website. It's a first result of Google search for "Baltimore IQ". If you have any better sources for IQ of Baltimore please post it here.

It is totally undisputed that the Black average IQ is around 85. In the poorer urban areas (ghettoes) it's not in any way inconceivable that IQ be 10 points below the average. With Whites in Baltimore, it's 14 points below the average. People with higher IQ tend to find a way to move out of the ghetto, the less intelligent ones stay.


Websites can host academic papers. It's actually common knowledge to those of us who read academic papers sometimes

If the first google search result for "Martian IQ" was a science fiction website, would that make it a legitimate source for the IQ of martian people if ever a person was found on Mars?

If you cannot back up your claims with legitimate sources then it is no better than fiction. That's the whole point of modern academic methodology. Thus, your link is as good as fiction.

You cannot use average black person IQs that you memorized from somewhere to make concrete claims about the population of Baltimore, so your second paragraph doesn't mean much of anything. Even "La Griffe Dulion" understands this or they wouldn't have bothered to mention the pass and fail rates in that specific community in that link you posted. Baltimore could so happen to be a microcosmic population with an exceptionally high IQ. Not saying that it is, but you also cannot refute that claim if you can't provide a legitimate source

The truth is, buddy, that you don't know what the average IQ in Baltimore is. It's ok, neither do I. I also do not know what the core of Uranus looks like. But I also don't look up "core of Uranus" on Google images and pretend to myself that I've found the answer


Oh boy that an excessive degree of scepticism. To compare average IQ of a population in a country where IQ studies are done extensively all the time an in each city to the average IQ of Martians. IQ isn't a conspiracy theory. We know from a hundred year of IQ studies the average Black IQ is 1.1. standard deviations below the White average. That's around 16 IQ points. (it has varied slightly but not that much) Even the notoriously left wing Wikipedia acknowledges it. IQ isn't equally distributed. Places where wealthier people live have higher IQ than places where poorer people live. Hicks in West Virginia probably have significantly lower IQs than White elites in New York or Boston. Why is it so unbelievable to you that a literal crime ridden shit hole of Baltimore has (among the worst cities in the US) has around 10 points lower IQ than racial averages? And that's only within the city limits, the suburbs have much higher IQs. If you don't trust the source I posted, fine. But don't claim this number has been debunked, because it hasn't.


You're just copying and pasting from other sources. It's not a matter of what's unbelievable to me. I am not the arbiter of truth. You are not the arbiter of truth. "La Griffe Du Lion" is not the arbiter of truth

Baltimore might be a "crime-ridden shithole", but you cannot make concrete claims about the average IQ of its population without providing real sources that include details of their methodology

That isn't a high standard to clear when making statements that are supposed to be rooted in actual science. Is that so hard for you to understand?

I'm not claiming that those numbers are debunked. I don't have to make that claim. I can create a website that says that Martians have IQs of 3000. You cannot debunk that if I don't provide any details of how I came to this conclusion


IQ is the most valid and scienficially predictable psychometric. It's studies are done all the time especially in the US. Type 'average IQ New York', 'Average IQ Los Angles', 'Average IQ California' into Google and chances are the first results is going to be a valid article about it and not made up conspiracy theory. Why do you assume the first result of 'Average IQ Baltimore' has to be illegitimate just because you don't like the numbers? You just don't like the numbers, that's it. If it showed an average IQ of 98 we wouldn't be having this debate now. Just admit it

Either find me a better source for IQ of Baltimore, or admit the best source for it shows an average IQ of 79. So far, the list I provided is certainly much better than nothing and If I had to guess, that's what I would go for.


I'm not assuming that it's illegitimate because I don't like the numbers

I'm claiming that its legitimacy is questionable because it doesn't include details on its methodology and it doesn't include any external sources which I can use to independently verify this information on my own

I don't have the patience to explain the scientific method in detail to you. If you don't understand why that link does not meet the not-particularly-high standards of passable scientific methodology, then go ahead and continue using uncritical Google searches as your main source of education


Again extensive degree of scepticism because you don't like the numbers. You aren't fooling me, just admit it. If it showed average IQ of 100 you wouldn't be questioning it's source. Either find me a better one or admit the best source so far shows IQ of 79.


The truth is, buddy, that you don't know what the average IQ in Baltimore is. It's ok, neither do I

Yes and it could be actually even lower than that, because as the source says those are the IQs of children who's IQs should have regressed back to the racial average mean. So their parent probably have even lower IQs.


It could be lower. It could be higher. We can keep going around in circles with this. Without actual sources then it's all pure conjecture. It doesn't matter what supposed macro-scale statistics you pull out about average IQs. You can only make unverifiable inferences based on those statistical trends

For all you and I know Baltimore is a city full of geniuses, so elevated by their brilliance, that they're Nietzschean Ubermensch all rendered incapable of following the laws around them

As ridiculous as that may sound, the claim cannot be falsified and therefore it is not incongruent with science. If you CAN falsify it then by all means go ahead


Without actual sources then it's all pure conjecture.

That's not true. We do have a source. Until you find a better source it's certainly better than nothing.


Sure. Also, if I create a website saying that I have discovered a unicorn, then I could link that website here and claim that it's a good-enough source for the proof of the existence of unicorns until anyone finds something better


Not a good analogy. This website doesn't look to me like something someone has created to lie and deceive. It looks legit and the numbers look legit considering what we know about Baltimore racial demographics, it's socio economic status and avergae Black IQs.


Maybe. But that is a matter of personal opinion. We cannot determine the objective validity of any claim based on personal hunches

Science history is replete with examples of intelligent thinkers who were not aiming to lie or deceive, they were simply wrong. It also does have some cases of intentional deception such as the scientists who claimed that they'd achieved "cold fusion"

When somebody makes specific scientific claims which are supposed to correlate to actual observable phenomena in the real world then they MUST be subject to independent experimentation and falsifiability

It doesn't matter how legit the link appears, if they are not providing the necessary data to reproduce their calculations then they must be met with skepticism. Otherwise we aren't trafficking in real science


It doesn't matter how legit the link appears, if they are not providing the necessary data to reproduce their calculations then they must be met with skepticism.

No they don't. The internet isn't full of fake legitimately looking websites with false numbers of average city IQs. And certainly not in the FIRST Google search results. You just have a high degree of scepticism because you don't like what the numbers say.


Ok, they dont. We don't need to be sceptical of claims that have legitimate looking websites and which appear at the top of Google searches

Let's extrapolate these standards to all areas of human knowledge and see where that takes us. Now Google's algorithm is the ultimate arbiter of scientific truth

As long as the website looks decent and Google puts it at the top of the pile then we need not doubt what we are reading

That way of thinking is actually more common than you think. If I could change your mind about this then I could change the mind of MILLIONS of people who are misinformed on a whole bunch of science-related subjects. I'm not under the delusion that I'm persuasive enough to do that, so you go ahead and continue creating a world-view based on search engine results


You forgot one critical factor: The numbers aren't in any way realistic considering what we know about Baltimore, it's socio economic condition and it's racial demographics. So if the website looks legit and it's on top of Google's search results and you are not able to find a better source, the changes are it's legit. Doesn't mean it's 100% sure, but more than likely it is.


Remember when you posted this lol.


Racists gonna be racist!


And you can take that figure, half it, and that's the average IQ of anyone who places value on average IQ numbers.


All the scientific literature uniformly acknowledges the importance of IQ and it's predictive validity when it comes to life successes and outcomes. It's not even debatable.

Ironically, it's people like you who devalue IQ for political reasons who are the idiots


They don't place value on IQ scores.


Trump was right.
