First I would like to say that I just finished Season 3 a few nights ago and this show is everything everyone ever made it out to be. Absolutely fantastic.. looking forward to watching the last 2 seasons... even though from what I've read season 5 seems to be considered the worst...alright on to my question and please no spoilers!!!!
Alright... maybe I just missed it but why did Stringer Bell meet the cop in the graveyard and give him directions to Avon's hideout? Why was he turning his partner in? The only thing I could think of was because Avon would not listen to Stringer about not starting a war with Marlow and to keep it cool. So Stringer was afraid that Avon would bring unneeded attention to them from the cops so he wanted to have Avon arrested..? Is this why he turned on him or is it something else and I just missed it..? Thanks!!