MovieChat Forums > The Osbournes (2002) Discussion > I think the series is fake, and here's w...

I think the series is fake, and here's why...

There are a few things that make me wonder whether this entire Osbournes show- from the first episode in season 1 to now- is fake.

Of course, the biggest bit of proof is the season finale just shown last week. That episode was, undeniably, scripted and staged. (and I hated it, by the way... the kids were unconvincing actors, the storyline was so stupid I knew it was some sort of joke from the beginning, though what really got me was Ozzy and Sharon's reactions to the news that Mimi "died" - Ozzy looked like he was about to have a seizure and Sharon's wail upon hearing the news was just sooo freaky.) But we know that show was scripted and staged.
Next question... was the entire 3rd season fake? I think so. Did anyone notice that the season was differnt... things happening that were even more unrealistic than they usually are? Also, the episode where ozzy runs 5 miles on his birthday was definitely fake... check out to see why. I went to that site and just this evening I checked the tape I had of that show and sure enough, if you freeze-frame the part where there's a close up of Ozzy's pants, the "adidas" logo changes to the word "staged" obviously computered-in by someone in the very last frame. Also in that episode, Ozzy brings flowers to Sharon from a graveyard (um, how fake is that?) and when he's walking to the door, if you watch the crate&barrel billboard behind them, the "crate" changes to "fake" on the very last frame of that shot. So it's pretty obvious that that episode was scripted, too.... strongly suggesting that if 2 episodes were scripted, maybe 90% of what we saw on that season was scripted as well. (leaving 10% unscripted... like the dogs going to the bathroom on the floor and stuff like that...)

Finally, here's my really radical theory... and that is that the entire series (or most of it, save for the parts about Kelly recording her CD in season 2 and ozzy touring and whatnot, because that obviously happened in real life) is fake. First clue... the outtake they showed at the end of season 3 finale. Second clue... Ozzy saying "now can we go home" at the end of the season 3 finale. (Um, which would mean, that what we see isn't really their home. It's likey it's their "tv" home- where they go to live for a few weeks when they're taping the episodes. Ok, you think it's too expensive to buy a home just to tape a tv show in? It's possible... they have a load of $$$ and a home like that is only a couple million... just a bit of change compared to all of the money they're making faking us out with this tv show for the last 2 1/2 years).

I have to admit that I loved the show before, but now I feel really betrayed and really stupid for believing that 80-90% of what they did was "real." Yeah, I believed before that they might sometimes have to re-tape a few things in case the cameramen aren't around, and maybe they take a few suggestions about what to do from some of the producers, but I thought that was it. Nope... now I question pretty much everything (what kind of sister schedules a gynecologist appointment for her sister, anyway? that's so unrealistic... and the ham throwing? come on. even they can't be that stupid). One thing's for sure, I'm nto watching the 4th season unless they explain everything in episode 1. if they don't... forget it. I don't want to be lied to anymore. and if they admit that everything's scripted and continue with it, I won't watch it because that would be boring and stupid. One things for sure, the 4th season will be their last. most people hate being lied to. They know they're doing another season, so why did they reveal their "trick" now? that should have waited until they were finished with the show altogether and on their very last episode ever- so people could get mad but would never have to watch another episode anyways.


Actually, this was the last season from what I've heard.


well ps. the dog's name is minnie.

