
Hi it says (sorry bad spelling Eli wood) frodo from lord of the rings is in the episode "bark at the moon" My friend says he was the next-door neibough But i don’t believe it is! What does he do in the episode?:)
thanks for any help you can give me and I’m sorry for my spelling lol :)

“Thanks brides made like the beard! Gives me something to hang on too!” Lord Flasheart, Blackadder


Elijah Wood is a friend of Kelly's. They are out together (I think, but I'm not sure, that he goes with her to see Billy Corgan's new band, but I could be getting my episodes mixed up. It's been a while.) Anyway, Kelly and Elijah go back to the Osbourne home and one of the animals has peed on Sharon's couch, and Elijah helps clean it up. It's very cute. He's not in it that much.


Yeah. If I remember correctly, he came over because his sister is one of Kelly's friends, or something like that.
