MovieChat Forums > The Osbournes (2002) Discussion > For you the ones who bad mouth the Osbou...

For you the ones who bad mouth the Osbourne's...

For all of you people that are saying bad stuff about the Osbourne's... GROW UP.

As for Ozzy... maybe he has done drugs and MAYBE he still does??? Are you there? Is it really ANY of your business? What do you think your life could have been like if you were a huge musical hit in the late 60's early 70's? With all that fame and money. In those days there were lots of drugs and alcohol passed to him on stage even. Has that really changed much in the past 30 years either(for most rockers of those days)? Sure it would great if Ozzy could turn back time and change it all, but that's not possible. I would even bet he would love to change how much drugs he did. So yeah he is good person to show for anti-drug use... with all the medical problem he has now, but with age comes medical problem... drugs or no drugs. But on the other hand how many people do you know that own a few house including... 8 million dollar ones? Much less all the "stuff" they own. Do you have a tv that rises out of a cabnit in your room? Can you afford all that... that is called success my friend... and he did it ALL on drugs and being drunk. His family sure doesn't seem to upset about it. And they are the ones that count. Have you seen him in concert? He is awesome!! Do you have your own festival in your name? Do you have anything in your name even the slightest bit cool? Leave the man alone... everybody makes SOME mistakes in their lives... his are just seen by all becausae of the fame.

As for Kelly... if you were Ozzy little girl don't you think you would have been spoiled too? Do we say bad thing about how stuck up Paris Hilton is? Do we say bad thing about how spoild Nichole Richie is? Britney Speras? If you ask me... those 3 right there are way more "spoiled" then Kelly Osbourne. How many times in her life do you think she has come close to lossing her father in one way or another? Since the day she was born she has had more in life then almost anyone. Yet she knows herself well enough to know she wants to sing... Don't most people/bands start out doing cover songs? YES!!!! She seems like a normal teen to me... with a super star like Ozzy for a father. Atleast she wants to work. Not sleeping with guys in a rinky dink town for a "reality show". She doesn't go and show off her booty, or anything like that for ratings does she?

As for Jack... at 15-16-17 were you not trying to find yourself too? So what if you don't like his hair cut or think he needs one. He doesn't think he needs one. IT'S HIS HAIR. Nobody is asking you to wear your hair like that. Maybe he is trying pot and drinking, but with him knowing his father as he does, I'm sure he will never take it to the extremes Ozzy ever did. Alot of teens drink and try drugs. I'm not saying it is right or wrong. But that is what ALOT teens do... like it or not. Same with Kelly.

There are lots of kids out there with the perfect family life that end up in jail before 18. Or rehab, or dead. Kelly and Jack are well rounded good kids... not perfect, but who is?

As for Sharon... she is just awesome. She is a rock. She is strong. She is loving and caring. She is a very, very smart intellagent woman... So smart that she know how awesome Ozzy is! Which you must have over looked.

Do you own ONE $8,000,000.00 house? I think not... if you did you would not have the time to sit here and bad mouth an very loving, caring, understanding, sweet, funny, man and his family. He loves his kids and wife more then most people I have ever met or seen. He wants them all to have it ALL! And he will help if he at all can!

Do your love ones call you all the time to just say they love you? They are constantly on the phone saying they love each other... those 4 people care about each other so much.

Would your love re-marry you in a religous wedding that they know next to nothing about? Just cause they love you.

I just hope you guys use these thoughts to take a look at your petty selves...
The self in you that has made a bad choice in life...
The self in you that has done something someone else did not approve of... did it matter to you... could you change it?
What do you think people would write about you if your life was broadcast on tv?
Would you want people to write the good stuff or the bad?

I would love to give my kids the advantages that the Osbourne's kids have had. Will have. Forever. They are blessed. They have loving understanding parents. Alot of kids don't even have that... Did you? Could you have dyed your hair pink at 17 to express yourself and have your mom be ok with it? Much less be seen in public with you... and you WANT to hug your mom in public because she was there for you?

I really hope you can think about this stuff before flying off the handle and getting mad at me for saying this stuff.

All I'm saying is nobody is perfect... why put someone else down for not being perfect.



To be perfectly honest, I'd give absolutely anything to have what the Osbourne family's got. Not so much the money and fame, but the love and respect they show each other. When I was growing up, my parents basically ignored me and I got no affection. My father was a major alcoholic and my mother paid me very little attention. Today, I'm 24 years old, married with 2 kids of my own, but I can no longer stand anyone in my own family because of the way I was treated. I just consider myself very fortunate that I never turned to alcohol or drugs to ease my pain and depression.


That's exactly why I respect them so much: the amount of love and closeness they have among each other. When you love your parents like this, when they love you back, when you still want to hang out with them after you've reached legal adulthood, then there's nothing you did too wrong.
My family is very like their's, and what saves us all from our crazy selves is that love and closeness, I can't imagine what it must be like without it.

t'ain't no sin to take off your skin and dance around in your bones
