Does any1 know when seasons 3 and 4 of The Osbournes will be out on DVD?
Just wondering when seasons 3 and 4 will be released. I own seasons 1, 2, and
2 1/2. Want to complete my collection.
Just wondering when seasons 3 and 4 will be released. I own seasons 1, 2, and
2 1/2. Want to complete my collection.
I also want the last episodes to be released on DVD, along with some kick a$$ special features.
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith May 19th The Saga is Complete
The last episodes have to be released!Why release seasons 1,2 & 2 1/2 and not release the last ones?I too own the others but I also want the last ones.
I wonder;
What is the full name of Amanda who helps Jack?
Can I e-mail to her?
[email protected]
I've been waiting for them as well. Perhaps Sharon would be inspired to release them and the others as a "package" with even more footage and perhaps the Xmas special of 2003 as well? Wouldn't that be great? You have to see the dvd part of Ozzy's cover album, the cd most recently released is an audio cd on one side and a dvd on the other side.
shareWe should petition to get them released!
Yeah right. Wishful thinking. :(
I wish......
shareWith Sharon being on the Talent show I was hoping ti would bring some interest and publicity to releasing git but guess it didn't help.
shareWell, the main problem is they lost all the Money that they made on the show due from Legal Fees!So im guessing they fell it isn't worth releasing the rest of the the DVD!But i wish that their was a way to ask her or someone in the family or Management!
shareWouldn't that mean they would want to do it even more?
shareI can't find 2 1/2 anywhere.
shareIt shouldn't be that hard to find. Try eBay or Amazon, if you haven't already. Depending on where you live, you can order it specially through certain music and DVD stores.
shareI got 2.5 from
shareI got 2.5 from deepdiscount as well. $5.99 for all 3 actually. What a killer value!
Perhaps these didn't sell well enough for them to do the rest. Sad, really.
Yeah im starting to think they will never be released and the tragic thing is that there doesn't seem to be anywhere to download the episodes from.
shareseason 3 is planning to be released christmas this year sharon said on an interview :):):)and season 4 will be available next easter when all series will be released in a box set.
wether they will be is still an issue
i hope so osbournes is the best reality show ever - i am addicted to it lol
I tried to fnid a reference to this, but did not come across anything yet. I do so hope the news is true!
I also have the complete series 1 & 2 on DVD. I'm getting pissed off with waiting to finish my collection!
"You should see what I see" - The Dead Zone
Where is this interview where Sharon confiremd the dvd releases?
shareWhere is this interview where Sharon confiremd the dvd releases?Good question olajawon1, I asked the same question via personal message to the person who made the claim, but they have ignored me.
usually when they don't reapons means their probably lyning!
Well, here we are in late December and no Season 3 (or 4) in sight.
Amazon will usually post releases at least 3 months in advance in an effort to generate pre-release orders, so at a minimum, we're talking at least March.
It's not looking good.