Why is this movie so derided?

It has the distinction of being the funniset movie I've seen in a long time. Steve Martin's one of the best comic actors Hollywood has to offer, and Queen Latifah proved she can act in "Chicago", so why would this movie suck so badly?

....Oh. Because of the "racial stereotyping".

I'll admit, it does suffer from using a few too many crass comments and generalisations, but if you can look past those, then you have a great comedy.

And why is it, that a movie like this gets slated for too much stereotyping by so many people, and yet a movie such as "Undercover Brother" is left virtually untouched?




I'll tell you a secret bob...well... not really... white kids now a days are not as "white" as they used to be. a great deal of them enjoy rap music, and they love the fact that some other white kids aren't as "cool" as them. This is why, these kind of movies are not only directed to blacks, but to white kids as well. there are very few white kids who would find UB offensive, since they are also into the "black-style", if you will. Only the older whites would find it offensive, hence, the movie is NOT directed at older white men. today's white kids find black comedy, what you call "racial stereotypes" in your post,extremely hilarious. All that stuff about fried chicken and watermelon and blacks after whites, weed and all that stuff, white kids and black
kids find it funny. Now, this is only in the US to my knowledge. I have no idea whats going on in England, where I presume you are from judging from your posts.

But, I'm just a mexican, what do I know about minorities and racial stereotypes...


I'm no film critic, I go to the movies mostly for a good laugh, and this one did it (I liked Undercover Brother too) I'm not a racist, I'm not pro-white, pro-black, pro-anything. If there were racial sterotypes, I didn't notice, I thought the movie was hilarious and plan on buying it on DVD to watch over and over. I am a HUGE Steve Martin fan, and this is one of his best.


I thought it was funny and I enjoyed it, though there were some racial stereotypes. I did not see Undercover Brother, but a movie that is riddled with awful racial "humor" (and wasn't funny for that matter, unlike Bringing Down the House) is National Security. If you haven't seen that one, please don't, for your own sake. Especially if you found THIS one offensive!


Um, Undercover Brother was funny?...

You can take the ___ out of the ___, but you can't take the ___ out of the ___.


Becuase "Undercover Brother" doesn't even deserve to be a film. It was horrible.
