Hip-hop culture: a one ticket to poverty, as white folks here say
To me, it poked fun at racist people and racist behavior.
And since when is that bad?!!!
Believe it or not, rich white subs are usually stacked wih at least one old racist dumbo, like the boss's sister living right in front of Martin.
And I've seen that stare, when they see hispanic or black people not dressed in a tree piece suit (the only acceptable proof that they're rich and therefore decent), if they're not carrying a broom or garden sheers, they're looked on as suspects/possible criminals casing the place.
Just look the headlines of Republicans who are members of openly racist country club golf clubs, and they couldn't care less.
That being said, the movie also hs another message:
That white rich folks consider hip hop culture a one way ticket to poverty. Like Bill O'Reilly has said, Eminem is the fastest ticket to poverty for anyone behaving like him.
While I agree that having a FOCK YOU tag tattooed onto your bald head/forehead isn't gonna get you on the Supreme Court, painting with such broad pencil every hip-hop thing, is it accurate?
At least in today's business culture...