Hollywood Audiences Are Blind!
I am currently a film student at MSU in Montana. For one of the classes I am taking right now, I am working on an essay about modern racist hollywood films, like Bringing Down the House. While this movie appears to be a harmless comedy where white and black stereotypes are dramatized to incite laghter and awareness, in reality, this movie actually perpetuates racial stereotypes through various subtext and undertones. Aside from obvious racist images and scenes that were meant to be harmless and strictly for laughter, Bringing Down the House is full of underlying messages, some of which suggest that for blacks to become more "civilized" and even more respectable, it is neccesary for them to become more "white", supressing culture and racial personalities. When reading into this film, we see white people becomeing more "black", in some cases (like Steve Martin's), only temporarily, as a means to solve a particular solution. For example, Steve can talk to his troubled kids and repair his shattered marraige only AFTER he has temporarily adopted black speech and behavior. In short, the film suggests that it is imparative for whites to "loosen up" or become more "black", which historically has carried associations of being closer to the earth, more alive and spirited. Only until this stigma of the "un-cool" white guy and the salvation from the "troubled black guy" ends will we begin to see genuine racial progress in America. Boycott this film and others like it, Head of State and Malibu's Most Wanted. I realise most of you will never understand or apreciate this knowlege, and that is why racial tensions and seperations worldwide will persist. If you are a true advocat for change, and not some gullable American brain-washed fool, you will understand and act accordingly.