favorite quotes?

my cousin and I quote from this movie all the time..

i loved just about everything that Eugene Levy's character said.. but one of my favorites was "i'd like to dip you in cheeze whiz and spread you over a ritz cracker if i'm not being too subtle"


Mine is Levy's "You got me straight trippin' boo."



Mine is: "If I tell you gangsters will come to my house and cyt me!"

The way Missi Pyle delivers that is great!

Member of the Stop Heath Ledger Before He Gets His Talentless Mits On The Role Of the Joker Society


All time funniest line in the movie

Ashley: Save it for the Y.M.C.A, Jemimah.
Charlene Morton: Bitch! I will kick the bulimia outta yo' ass!

Love it!


Queen Latifah's character to Steve Martin's character (about his hair): "Boyish white?! You're gray."
