Unrealistic line

"You got to dunk that *beep* Iverson could never dunk.


That is what I was thinking


That's by far the funniest line in the movie, the guy's soooo into it and he gets all pissed off lmaooo !! The rest is meh...

Oh...and your comment is ridiculous.

"Harry !!...your hands are freezing !"


Iverson can dunk, noob.

It is only when we've lost everything we're free to do anything.


I don't understand how ppl can be so illogical and dumb.
When did I ever, ever, ever say I thought Iverson couldn't you piece of sht ?
Leave me alone with your ridiculous comments.

"Harry !!...your hands are freezing !"



Iverson could never dunk? Holy hell. Wow this guy watches a lot of ball. The guy literally used to jump over 7 footers and dunk missed free throws.
