What are you, implosive or explosive?
I'm definitely implosive, not proud of it but when it comes out I won't be able to control it.
shareI'm definitely implosive, not proud of it but when it comes out I won't be able to control it.
Rofl when i saw the title of topic, before i even clicked it, i already knew first words would be "definatly implosive" ... im psychic!
Any last words ?
Shut the *beep* up
-Mutant Chronicles-
Is there a difference between being implosive or just simply having the self control to not act on every animalistic urge to rip someone's head off for little insignificant things that don't matter?
Guns don't kill people, the government does.
I'm Implosive...I mean "Explosive"...I mean...OK, who the F%CK is asking?
Just kidding..
"Seven years of college down the drain. Might as well join the Peace Corps."
Implosive is silently letting it get to you and every situation keeps adding to it until you reach your breaking point.
Lunch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mB5f6L8AVLU
Probably explosive and implosive, depending on the situation.
shareImplosive, sadly.