Twist endings usually break the rest of the movie, because they don't make sense. 'It was all a dream' is just a lazy cop-out, but it can make sense.
A typical twist like this, breaks the movie, because it's so improbable.
How did they arrange the 'free seat' in the airplane, for example? They had to basically be able to afford at least three seats nearby. (Unless that supposedly was a 'coincidence', which wouldn't be that likely)
First the 'other guy' that takes Sandler's character's seat - then the 'free seat' and of course Nicholson's character's seat. Just so they could sit next to each other? Doesn't seem plausible to spend that much money for that.
The only way I can see it happening, is if they arranged everything with people that were flying there anyway, but how would they still arrange the 'empty seat'?