Europeans share one bed????????
I can't remember how often I heard this stereotype in American movies, as well as "European girls don't shave their arm pits".
Where did that come from???
First of all Europe isn't a country, but it consists of many countries which are not united, which each have a different culture and different ways;
most countries are as different as night and day from each other (especially east, west our south Europe), so a line like "Europeans do this or that" are most of the time incorrect to begin with.
But since I heard these 2 lines frequently I'm wondering where they came from.
I can name 10 countries at the very least where I know for certain that girls shave their arm pits and every person has his own bed. I'm from western Europe and believe me we don't sleep in the same bed here, and young girls are hairless.
Anyone from a European country where men share a bed, and girls don't shave???