IMO Dave Buznick was psycho, way worse than the waterboy.
When i'm not really thinking about what's my favorite movie for real, this is easily one of my fave movies.
Cuz I really dig the concept of implosive anger. what i see implosive anger as could be for example some guy that can't yell so then he coerces you into making a huge mistake by not listening, or just pushing you in the wrong direction, to get an emotional response, without actually yelling or screaming....
But that's not what implosive anger is in this movie and that's not dave buznick.
This guy was very violent.
Let me give two examples. First of all it seems like he was framed on the airplane.... BUT WE DID NOT SEE THE WHOLE SCENE. we saw what happened before the airplane took off in flight. LATER it is revealed when the therapist is talking to buznick's boss that the flight had to be TURNED AROUND MID FLIGHT because of an unruly passenger...
Now the premise of this movie is that buzznick was being set up by the girlfriend's associates somehow.... i think it was trying to make a statement about secret societies in new york after september 11th, like the 'illuminati' isn't really going to do too much harm if you're not one of them, and it kind of presents how this guy maybe marrying in is just getting horsed around on as a test or something before this goes further... But don't think too much about key words. the point i'm trying to make is that just cuz the girlfriend is testing buzznick no way would they turn a flight around mid air over shenanegans unless someone was really out of control... that's too much to frame someone over... he had to have done something big, probably really did hit the stewardess or maybe not...
He just APPEARS innocent because when the the therapist framed him for a voilent act and he had JUSTIFIED ANGER we assume that's what happened all the time... and we didn't see the whole scene.
the second scenario is the fight with the blind man. let me explain what happened again. the guy with one nut (he was such a dude with one nut pussy tough-so quick to give up something that's not there anymore- they did their research) wanted to pick a fight with a blind man his buddy. sandler tried to talk him out of it but couldn't. so then his buddy starts shennanegans and sandler gets coaxed into participating and then the waitress that wasn't involved in these shennanegans (i'm presuming) says stop. the blind mand stops trying to get his cane back from sandler whose trying to grab it away AND PRETENDING that the blind man is still attacking him when he could just as easily be trying to get back his cane and he hits the waitress in the face with the cane cuz he's still applying force and the blind dude stopped.
Unfortunate event but how are you going to talk your way out of that one? if you're 100% honest, you will just get your buddy in trouble which will get you in MORE TROUBLE and it kind of shows that you were on the aggressor's side anyway making you more guilty... So he actually hit the waitress in the face, by accident and unfortunate, but there's no way you can honestly get yourself out of trouble if someone wants to press charges. the more you talk the sadder it is for you but the more guilty you are.
Then the rest of the movie... he was a psycho throughout. (other than the frame job by the therapist so he could learn what JUSTIFIED anger is.)
the guy just could not admit to any fault. For example the steward or gaurd on the plane that called him a racist... let me be nice her and say he might have not been racist but let's say so paranoid about racism that he was sending vibes out of fear... it could have pissed off the steward. it's not uncommon for someone to have sandler's response but most people could sympathise if they felt they were giving out that vibe... they would naturally feel guilty. some would not and would get more offended or defensive but sandler wasn't just that way about racism. he was that way about EVERYTHING. that doesn't make him a psycho but with the displays of physical violence it shows poor self understanding and misdirection... Again if it was just one thing racism that he was unsympathetic or unable to empathise about it would be one thing but it was everything... he just could not say "i'm wrong" to himself (he might be able to lie to others, that's different) and that imo is something i've noticed about implosive anger people that aren't punching random women in the face.
we just sympathise with him because he is being framed but he clearly has a problem and the grey area is what we don't see. (but then the situation of the plane being turned around is too much to be a prank so something major had to happen.)
Other thoughts:
I just love that one nut guy brilliant performance. let me explain what i'm talking about to GIRLS. it doesn't really need to be said to boys but at one time this guy needed to accomplish something great that he needed to make a sacrifice. but once it's sacrificed his brain is still with his left nut (that's his choice, you don't mess with fate, you can't control that) but now this huge CANCEROUS (if you're really pissed off) testicle that probably weighed over a pound and had a 0% chance of killing him (you don't die from nut cancer unless you lose both your nuts) is not there so you got nothing to lose. you thought long and hard about losing something and you're still using it to think but there's nothing there. so now it's more like you're worried about the other guy than a personal sacrifice there's nothing to regenerate or lose.
another part i liked was the part with the actress chick that got offended because he hated her cuz she was fat. it would have been cooler if she was a yoga instructor or a rapper or something like that who was offended because she is being hated on for being MENTALLY fat but that doesn't mean she has to be physically fat. that's not in the movie but it would have been hilarious if it was so i like to imagine it that way.
I really love this movie. The TV show is excellent as well. If you don't like the TV show check out some of the later episodes where it's more therapy centric.