The way HARRY feels about...

... SIRIUS after the reveal that he's not evil is... well, weird:
1) HARRY literally said that he wanted to kill him. Logically he shouldn't hate him anymore but, after feeling that way for I don't know long (the passing of time confused me a little bit), those feelings can't just go away.
2) SIRIUS was in prison for over a decade. That can mess up a person. Actually, the fact that he was the 1st person to succeed in escaping may be a hint.
3) HARRY feels like he can trust him since his parents did. However, HARRY doesn't actually know him. Even if he isn't a bad person, maybe the 2 of them wouldn't get along... and yet HARRY is ready to go live with him?


Why do you feel the urge to write all names in BOLD AND CAPS?


The Dursleys abused him so he'd be desperate for anywhere else to stay.
Lupin trusted Sirius too and since he learned the truth his hatred passed onto Pettigrew.
He wanted to get to know the man who was so close to his parents because he didn't know his parents at all. It would've excited him to know he has a family member (godfather) left.
