How ' bout a 4th Drac
I haven't seen Drac III yet though I intend to. I like that there have been different Dracs through three films so far. So how about a fourth. Let's call it Dracule IV: Evolution. The idea here is to finally reveal Dracula as the ANTICHRIST. Ancient Christians believed that Judas would rise from the dead and becone the Antichrist in the end times (along those who believed it would be Nero or others). and only Judas and the Antichrist are referred to in the bible as "Son of Perdition", (or son of the Devil, if you like). And after all in the Romanian tongue Dracula means son of the dragon or son of the Devil!
Dracula, (in yet another assumed identity, or face if you will) rises to power in the Romanian goverment in time for Romania's inclusion in the European Union. He wishes to once again aquire his former throne. As Romanian President, Dracula automatically becomes a member of the European Parlement, and thus can position himself as one day Predident of that Parliament. Once in charge he dissolves Parliament and declares himself absolute ruler of Europe. Let's also reveal that each and every method which has been used to destroy Dracula, now can no longer be used against him for as he survives these "deaths". He also develops an "immunity" to the stake, sun, silver, Holy Water, a blessed bullet yada, yada, yada. He evolves into a more powerful being with each attempted death and as Van Helsing said (in the book) if Dracula had from the first decided to use his full array of powers against them (Van Helsing, Harker, Arthur, Quincy and Seward), he (Dracula)would have been well beyond their reach. Now it's that time.
Like it so far. Hey Patrick and Joel how 'bout it?