eliz. char
do they end up killing her.. or does something 'happy' happen to her... (sorry for 3rd grade style Q)... just wondering
sharedo they end up killing her.. or does something 'happy' happen to her... (sorry for 3rd grade style Q)... just wondering
if you're tlakign aobut elizibeth.... luke finds her and after a bunch of stuff happens she tells him its over and all he has to do is kill her. he refuses and she make slike she is going to turn him into a vampire but just kisses his neck. then lukel ifts a sword and the two stare at each longingly for a bit and he procedes to sadly chop her head off. this devistates luke and he goes into a bit of shock like state. but he survives and is fine...
thats the VERY SHORT version...
wow, awesome to the extreme, thank you times about... 14.8