
where actually did the dog got the disease from?


I love the story in the trivia section about the dog, which again tends to prove that the truth is indeed often stranger than fiction.

The original killer dog "Jake" was hired without a rehearsal and sight unseen ... . The problem was the dog was ... older, arthritic, and tired. After a full day of shooting, and if all the few second bits were spliced expertly together, they only had about a minute or so of usage footage. All dog scenes had to be re-shot with a new dog. With no time or money to find a replacement, the producers cast a real police attack dog that was so vicious and unpredictable no actors could appear with it on camera. The crew would hide behind trucks during its scenes, and cameras were operated by remote control.

The imagination runs wild thinking about the film crew, hiding from their canine star.🐭
