marcy + paul

what was the deal with marcy and paul having sex at the end? was it really just cause they were gonna die like she said? i find that hard to beleive cause you wouldnt be horny when you think your gonna die.


Marcy already knew she was infected and wanted one last romp.

Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment. -Michael Corleone


so that was really all there was to it?

so that means she knew she was making him sick when she told him they didn't need a condom and that she was healthy?

man, what a bitch!


She was trying to manipulate Paul because Jeff had already run off. Notice how pissed she got when Paul ran into the woods after they got done having sex. She thought she could manipulate him so she wouldn't suffer alone.

Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment. -Michael Corleone


so she thought that if she slept with him, he'd stay with her? i guess that makes sense. it's still a real bitch move, sleeping with him and giving him the disease just so she could manipulate him.

makes it satisfying that he walked out on her afterwards. kind of ironic too, cause he wouldn't have left if she hadn't slept with him.


I don't deny it was was a bitch move, but in her mind she really didn't want to suffer by herself. By that time, Karen was already so far gone she was good as dead, Bert was trying to get help, and Jeff had run into the woods drinking. Paul was the only person Marcy had in any capacity at that point.

Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment. -Michael Corleone


kinda doesn't make sense, though. if she was so desperate to stay with him, why didn't she get dressed and go with him to the reservior? it's like horror movie 101 - don't split up or your gonna get killed.


I think they were both just scared & exhausted & frustrated & needed a release. Probably decided shooting squirrels wasn't going to do it for them. Plus the girl's boyfriend was such a douche, it might have been a passive-aggressive lay on her part, lol.


Both of them said, fugg it and go for it,

Uh baby U 4got to pull out. 9 months later, can U pull this ucking baby outta me, do that @ least!


Both of them said, fugg it and go for it,
My reading too and let's face it ... it made good viewing Marcy in the saddle.🐭


For me this is the most important scene in the movie. Marcy's pre-dialog clearly sets it up as a metaphor for their entire hopeless situation.

Fish+Iris=Irish. Go Green Haters.
Wells/Eobard=Merlyn 2.0


There is a deleted scene that foreshadows it a little where Jeff is seen sleeping on his own and Marcy is shown sleeping next to Paul. You could suggest that the house got a little divided when Karen was infected - Bert and Jeff want nothing to do with her, while Paul and Marcy both want to help her.

I'm gonna die of long hair!
