Embarassingly bad

I can't believe that Eli Roth was allowed anywhere near a movie production again after this, let alone considered some sort of horror mastermind.

The plot and dialog could've been written by a 12-year-old, the movie adds nothing new to the "teens on vacation" trope (which I enjoy, BTW, when done well), and there was none of the terror that you feel when watching good plague movies.

Really, I don't get it, especially the idea that this is supposed to be some cult classic.



I didn't care for it much when it came out but it has grown on me over the years. It has some memorable moments that stay with you: the hobo trying to steal the car and being set on fire, the leg shaving scene, and of course "Pancakes!"

It's a fun horror yarn that's far more original than people give it credit for, not to mention Roth's direction works. The film has a weird atmosphere all throughout. Something the remake, using the same script, failed to recapture. I think it's underrated.
