I think a lot of people, mostly critics, don't get this movie. It is fcking HILARIOUS. This is the closest thing we have to the classic horror films of the 70s and 80s.
It's too bad Eli made his best film in his directorial debut, but this is phenomenal and in my opinion one of the most underrated horror movies ever.
Maybe not of all time but it's definitely one of them. I adore this film. It's a throwback to the late 70s and 80s like you mentioned. We rarely get a real good horror movie like this and that makes me unhappy.
Nah. Roth's direction was fine here. If you need proof, watch the remake that used the same script and see how it fails to capture the same vibe. Roth is usually good with direction but where he fails is often the story. Hostel II was his second best attempt but The Green Inferno and Knock Knock were just bad ideas.
This has to be a joke. This is hardly an 'underrated classic', unless you are maybe twelve. Tourist Trap is a vastly underrated classic; this is a movie you put on when you and a friend are slightly high and the only other thing on in all of TVLand is reruns of Who's The Boss?...and sometimes WTB? wins.
It's not especially funny; when I first saw it, the only time I actually laughed was at the end, when the Black kids came to the General Store to pick up their rifle. That one joke was really funny, and well worth the wait. There is - literally - nothing else that made me even smile. Even that idiotic 'Pancakes!' scene was contrived as hell, and largely pointless.
This movie is not especially scary, or even slightly creepy; unless fake blood and junk squicks you out, the movie, in this respect, is lame and predictable. ...and not at all horrifying.
This movie is not especially campy, caracture-filled, quirky, or even slightly sundowning; it surely tries in a few places, but all of these places are lame and don't ever really deliver. This is not a movie that will be quoted, in short; it's forgettable, particularly in light of the fact that I just rewatched it after seeing the remake, simply because I had mostly forgotten about all of it. It is classic pabulum, nothing more, and it is actually puzzling as to how this could be a notable movie in anyone's life.
This is the kind of movie that Universal turns into a HHN house to the sounds of furious head-scratching from people with an IQ above room temperature. ...after they remember what that movie even was. It revels in its mediocrity in every possible way.
I have to say, i agree. this film was just bad, it was trying to be a satire and just fell flat on it's face, none of the characters were interesting, the story was predictable etc etc etc.
It's biggest offensive is that it is just so damn boring, as someone who watches a lot of horror films and can enjoy the trashy ones that have weak characters and basic scripts but are entertaining, a film has to be pretty bad for me to turn it off ten minutes before the ending.
It doesn't even deliver any scenes of gore or anything particularly violent or creepy or interesting throughout it's entire runtime.