79. It's not possible to make friends if you have a lazy eye.
80. May has a hand fetish.
81. May has an uncanny ability to understand everything Dr. Sarkizan says.
82. Your dog's leg can fall off when you're away on vacation.
83. Half a sandwich is a filling lunch for a big guy like Adam.
84. Gatorate goes great with macaroni and cheese.
85. Cannibalism horror movies are sweet.
86. Adam likes weird a lot, just not that weird.
87. Polly loves weird.
88. If you see a dead cat in someone's freezer, try your best not to freak out.
89. It's imperfections that make you special.
90. Legs can also be called gams, stems, wheels... whatever.
91. "Quagledoo" sounds like russian.
92. If you're gonna make a friend out of sawed-off body parts, make sure you don't forget to grab a pair of eyeballs from one of the corpses.