MovieChat Forums > Old School (2003) Discussion > Wasn't actually funny...

Wasn't actually funny...

Everything about this movie was so flat, the direction, the lighting, the acting, the sound. I don't see how anyone on earth could find this funny. Its basically like watching a few average guys messing around, its hardly the kind of stuff you expect to find in a movie that's supposedly written by professionals.
I mean, I just can't believe how unfunny this movie was. Why on earth does it have a 7??


It has a 7... because most users find it funny... regardless of your precious opinion princess :-)

Steven Seagal Fan Club President


I totally agree with you...Since this came out people have been telling me how great this movie was and how hilarious it is..Me and my wife watched it this weekend and I was VERY DISAPOINTED...A couple of laughs here and there but overall I would say mediocre at best...4 out of 10

That's actually pronounced analgesic, not anal-gesic. Sir, the pills go in your mouth.


Same experience here. I have never been a Will Ferrell or Vince Vaughn fan, but talking about Ferrell I often here people call this one of his best movies and on boards of his more recent movies they reminisce of Old School. So I watched it and it was just as flat as anything else he does.

Is this movie made for people that yet have to go to college and have seen about 5 comedies in their life?


I don't why people have to attack other people for liking movies just because they don't like that movie. I love this film and I love Ferrel, and Vaughn I think their great and they are. Its okay if you don't like them or get them.


I've never seen this movie and I don't think I'll bother with it judging by the "top 10 comedies" list on this forum, which is full of the crappiest form of hollywood comedy from the last 10 years.

~ Observe, and act with clarity. ~



Ya the lighting was effing terrible. Definitely brought it down from an 8 to a 3 for me. And god who was the sound editor? Awful stuff.

"Suspense is like a woman. The more left to the imagination, the more the excitement."


I totally agree with you,... was pretty disappointed....
I like movies of all the 3 actors( Will Ferrell, Luke Wilson, Vince Vaughn) but this totally failed to amuse.


You are crazy. This is the funniest movie of all time


Because your a humorless prick who doesnt know great acting, timing, cast chemistry. You probably thought the Iraq invasion was a comedy you blank vague tuba.


What the hell is wrong with people these days? I don't particularly like Will Ferell as I find his humor to be the same in every movie, but if you didn't find this movie hilarious you are just a true mess.

If you didn't laugh during this movie you seriously need to re evaluate life or something, because you probably don't find a whole lot of anything funny.

Take a week off work or get laid or something, honestly.


Well said, couldn't agree more. This movie is a rare gem.
