MovieChat Forums > Biohazard (2002) Discussion > What Did You Do With That One Bullet Mag...

What Did You Do With That One Bullet Magnum You Find In The Guardhouse?

In one of the guardhouse rooms you find a self-defense gun that only has one shot to use. Did you use this bullet for any specific enemies or times? What did you use this one bullet for?


i used it on the very next zombie that tried to bite me!


Yeah, shoot the zombie in the next room. Discard the item, it takes up space.

Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women




I used it the first time around on the next zombie, and on all subsequent plays i just never picked it up. It's just a waste of space.

I'm a dyslexic insomniac agnostic...
I lay awake at night, wondering if there is a dog.


It is worth hanging on to for the fight with the giant shark, one hit kill, job's a good 'un.


Used it to blow Lisa of the ledge when she was hanging on.


I used it on Neptune. Why do people say it doesn't do anything?? It kills the Bosses in one hit! Why would you use it on some random zombie??


I wasted it on a blasted chimera. Hey he had it coming.


Are you guys on crack? I saved it and put it in the box until i went up against the tyrant, it works REALLY well against him, that put together with the magnum makes him go down within seconds. Only time in the game where i really see it put to good use since the black tiger can go down pretty easy with the shotty.


The first or second Tyrant battle?



Definately, you can use it to kill your character!


I think I kept it on me and then put it in the chest. I'm saving it for later.


i shot Tyrant in the butt with it the second time i fought him =D


I usually use it on the hanging zombie (after his rope breaks of course), but one time I put it in the item box and forgot about it.


I saved it for the battle with tyrant.... I remember thinking "HAH Your dead *beep* than *BANG* ... After that i froze and was like "wtf , wtf, wtf, why the *beep* is he still coming at me!? He should be dead!" lol i had a good laugh after that, should have known it wouldnt work that easy on final boss.... . And yes i know im like 2 months late on post lol.....
