
Don't suppose anyone will read this as the Judge John Deed messageboard ain't exactly cooking, but boy, wasn't the baby episode a stinker. How did this reach series three?

Your starter for ten is yet another naff love scene between Jo and the Judge with maudlin music in the background. "I haven't even offered friendship yet, and even that won't be on the table for very long". People don't talk to each other like that.

Next up the Judge runs around a council estate (twice!) I mean, sure. Then he runs around a dinner party table (yup!) in hot pursuit of an establishment figure who in true GF Newman style is thoroughly Moriarty rotten. This after a tear stained diatribe from Jo to the Judge over a client's cell death. Needless to say, you can set your watch to the last minute appearance of the wronged mother of the dead convict to let WonderJudge off the hook. Never saw it coming, guv.

Tastelessly plucking real stories from the headlines, we have a dying baby that the supercalafradgiJudge inexplicably decides to save. Surely the writer will not be so crass as to have the baby miraculously revive from a coma after medical science claimed there was no hope? *BONG* you obviously have never watched this turkey before.

My little niece was a victim of cell phone bullying. After getting a court order against the offender, the offender stole a cell phone and continued the harrassment. I'm with the nasty, evil home secretary on that one.

Jenny Seagrove was in my local vets the other day. The various meows and barks surrounding us sounded a hell of a lot better than the dialogue she's been forced to spout.


I have to agree, I felt really cheated with the 'miracle' ending. The whole episode was completely naff. Questions though, will you still be watching?


Dunno. It's hard to see the screen with a peg on your nose.


I'm studying A-level law at the mo and I'm enjoying it.

Update on the the Bealah baptist church choir athetists may now apply.


They couldn't. They wouldn't...

"You're beautiful!"

...THEY DID!!!!!


what are you on about
and why are the seires so short

Rock on England


What I am on about, sweetness and light, is the naff use of James Blunt.


I do agree. James Blunt is naff at the best of times, and especially there for that was one of the cheesyiest scenes I've seen

Labelling people puts up boundries, and running into them hurts.


Come on, the reason that The Deed is so good is that it's so outlandish, so silly and just so darned entertaining. But by the looks of the Immigration Appeals Panel and their horizontal shenanigans, perhaps the ways of The Deed is more prevalent than we think.


I'm a JJD fan, but I have to agree that that episode was pretty dire and way below BBC standards. The seris as a whole was patchy and I hope the new one in early 2007 is a return to form.


I really like the new one but hey what did you guys think??????????????????

Captain of The Black Lilly Rose
Enemy Killer of The Green Serpent


No not at all, I loved the first few seasons and then it all just went down hill! Is it a new director this time? I mean, yes the judge is still a ledgend bedding so many women and getting away with it! How is he still getting it on with Millsy? and working with her in a place of law? lol classic beeb!

Anyway, I think they need to take it back to the begining again, keep it simple and do what they do best! Make John shaw seem like his untouchable! Last nights episode got turned over i have to say 20 minutes in i didnt get it, and it was driving me crazy! I caught the last 10 minutes and it wasnt that bad!

But seriously the BBC need to sort it out! (at least its not on a Friday night anymore!)


I find the series to be good viewing, but have one ongoing problem. I sympathise with those who would like to remove Judge Deed from the bench. His attitude towards allowing his private life to set up potential conflicts of interest with his professional judgement is totally unethical.

He also often always his courtromm to become a circus with scant regard for the rules. I doubt he would get away with this in real life.

But it's only a movie, Ingrid.


To be honest: I think the whole series is pretty awful. I think that Deed is an apalling hypocryte. In terms of taking the law into his own hands, this is slightly worse than Doyle in The Professionals. At least they were unpretentious fun.


Hey, guys, guys................. I suspect that this show is not meant to be taken seriously, and that it's meant to extend beyond the boundaries of believability. We live in a harsh and cynical world a long way from the morality Deed inhabits.
We've not long ago seen the episode (in Australia) where the baby-in-a-coma made a miracle recovery, and I scoffed too, but secretly liked it.

The really unbelievable story lines for me are those where Charlie Deed miraculously turns up working in her father's court...... how did that happen? It's all a bit `Neighbours'-In-A-Courtroom, but I can't stop watching it, because somewhere deep inside myself I wish life were that simple!!

"Go on, go in a huddle and plot; isn't that what spooks do?"


What annoys me is that Shaw takes the high moral ground regarding "The Professionals" (and although I like them I concede he may have a point) "Judge John Deed" is morally just as dubious. I find that hypocritical.


The really unbelievable story lines for me are those where Charlie Deed miraculously turns up working in her father's court

I couldn't agree more. Charlie Deed is easily the most expendable character and I've taken to fast-forwarding her scenes. She's whiny, indulged, self-centered, shows little good judgement, and adds nothing to the mix, except annoyance.

 Some movies are released; others sneak out. 


I see this thread has been necro-ed. Oh well.

As to whether it is completely it isn't. Oh yes, there are some abysmally bad episodes, particularly towards the end. But there are comparatively plenty of good episodes as well, particularly towards the beginning. Incidentally, I don't know if the actual cases referred to therein are real, but the judges referenced are - I've been studying law and Lord Denning is a very famous judge who appears throughout first year law books over and over and over. I remember other names, but they aren't popping to the forefront of my mind at the moment (I'm not from the UK, so most of the authority I have to read is not UK, although we do read UK for older judgements and practice).

And I really don't think much of the Judge's personal life, but really, all characters must have flaws to be realistic (otherwise in the words of the fanfiction world they are mary sues...there really should be a male equivalent for that) and a lot of people aren't faithful and have messy romantic lives from what I understand. How many celebrities have more messed up romantic lives than this with multiple marriages or incredibly short marriages or who knows what else since I try really hard to avoid absorbing that information. But this flaw in his character doesn't mean that I dislike his character, although if he really existed it would mean I would keep myself a safe distance from him, lol. I do enjoy him actually as he does seem to genuinely try and seek to do what is just and fair rather than what would be most expedient or in his own interest or what the public would want or any number of other ways to decide. That is how judges ought to be, justice being the paragon of the virtues and certainly ought to be the prime motivation for any judge.

So awful? A little harsh I think. I did hate a couple of episodes though, they had me cringing. So I would rate those awful themselves and the rest of the show...good.
