Don't suppose anyone will read this as the Judge John Deed messageboard ain't exactly cooking, but boy, wasn't the baby episode a stinker. How did this reach series three?
Your starter for ten is yet another naff love scene between Jo and the Judge with maudlin music in the background. "I haven't even offered friendship yet, and even that won't be on the table for very long". People don't talk to each other like that.
Next up the Judge runs around a council estate (twice!) I mean, sure. Then he runs around a dinner party table (yup!) in hot pursuit of an establishment figure who in true GF Newman style is thoroughly Moriarty rotten. This after a tear stained diatribe from Jo to the Judge over a client's cell death. Needless to say, you can set your watch to the last minute appearance of the wronged mother of the dead convict to let WonderJudge off the hook. Never saw it coming, guv.
Tastelessly plucking real stories from the headlines, we have a dying baby that the supercalafradgiJudge inexplicably decides to save. Surely the writer will not be so crass as to have the baby miraculously revive from a coma after medical science claimed there was no hope? *BONG* you obviously have never watched this turkey before.
My little niece was a victim of cell phone bullying. After getting a court order against the offender, the offender stole a cell phone and continued the harrassment. I'm with the nasty, evil home secretary on that one.
Jenny Seagrove was in my local vets the other day. The various meows and barks surrounding us sounded a hell of a lot better than the dialogue she's been forced to spout.