MovieChat Forums > Judge John Deed (2001) Discussion > Anyone else here new to this series?

Anyone else here new to this series?

I have just started watching this series as it is being repeated from the very first episode of the first season.

So far I love it.
The only character I dislike is Charlie, the daughter.
Can anyone tell me if she becomes any less annoying?

Bean Girl: Charlie Darling
...The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few...


I too am new to the show....

They are repeating the whole series on Alibi and am absolutely loving...

Though I too find the daughter really annoying and 19 yr old is that naive

"No boy should have a $200 shirt unless he is on stage with his four brothers!"


Hi Leyloo

Glad to know I am not the only Newbie on this board.

Bean Girl: Charlie Darling
...The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few...


The daughter is stupidly immature and gets herself in trouble way beyond her level, without worrying about consequences to herself. She can do this because when she does get in criminal trouble, she can go running to mommy, daddy and grandaddy (all high placed lawyers) and have them get her ass out of the fire. She's a stupid cow.

I watch, but fast forward alot. Hubby seems to like it.


I have just begun watching. A few opinions thus far after only having watched 2 episodes - the daughter does not really annoy me but her character does seem to be a bit of a ditz. I love Martin Shaw but am wondering if I'll like the personal side of Judge John Deed in terms of his blatant womanizing. The flip side is he would appear to be vegetarian and in support of animal rights, personality traits Shaw must have had written in (wonder about the sport of fencing, too).


Ive always seen this series on the telly when it first was airing but due to working in the hospitality trade at the time, i never found the time to sit and watch the series. Its a shame at the time and missed out on MS's work. At the time of writing this post I am watching my first episode "Silent Killer' and really intrigued by JJD and Jo's on-off relationship, something I want to know more about. So I think its about time I got Series 1 on DVD!


I am new to the series a little late but...
I find Charlie to be OK but I find that the Judge cannot keep it in his pants to be a problem for me. He slept with so many women in the show. In real life can anyone get away with this type of behavior? I could never trust someone like judge john deed if he was a real person. His character was never discret about his affairs and seemed to liked that people know that he was a dog!
If I was Jo I would have told him zipp it up or have it cut off! All those women would have to worry about sexually transmitted disease in real life.
I like the stories/issuses but have a problem with John Deed and the show was to much of a soap opera story.


I'm trying to find the DVDs and I hope to start watching soon. I finished the Cavanagh Q.C. series and was hoping to find something similar. Hopefully Judge John Deed will be a good choice. The series Silk was not.


I'm new to the series - I'm now watching it on cable, and I love it!

I know the series ended in 2007, but I wish there was a reunion movie or something like that. Maybe Judge Deed is promoted and married to Jo?


I just started watching the series and I love it! Deed is an incredible judge. He is also quite a womanizer, at least in the first season. . . . I'm so happy I found this series.
